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Stevenson Securities Ltd史蒂文森证券有限公司The low number of female characters in Stevenson's novels has led commentators to accuse him of misogyny.史蒂文森的小说中女性人物不多,这使得评论者指责他有厌女倾向。Mr Stevenson chaired the meeting firmly and capably.史蒂文森先生干练有力地主持了会议。At Stevenson's insistence, Reynold's name was kept on the list.在史蒂文森的坚决要求下,雷诺的名字才被保留在名单上。Mr. Stevenson was mentioned in the annual report for his cooperation.史蒂文生先生因乐于合作在年度报告中被提名表扬。John Stevenson is Reader in History at the University of Sheffield.约翰·史蒂文森是谢菲尔德大学的历史学高级讲师。Stevenson persevered in his efforts to discover what had really happened.史蒂文森努力不懈,要寻求事情真相。Stevenson's deeply felt performance is a tour-de-force.史蒂文森感人肺腑的表演真是绝了。Self-deprecation is a recurring feature as Stevenson talks.史蒂文森说话时经常自我贬低。We all owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Stevenson, who kindly donated the money for the project.我们很感激史蒂文森太太,她好心地给这项计划捐了款。 |