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词汇 stereotype
例句 He fitted perfectly the stereotype of the absent-minded professor.他完全就是一位典型的心不在焉的教授。Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman.约瑟夫与传统的警察形象不符。There is a tendency to stereotype childless women as being hard and career-orientated.人们往往模式化地认为没有孩子的妇女是坚强的、热衷于事业的一类人。The current feminine stereotype is flexible enough to let a girl behave boyishly if she wants to.现在女性的固定形象相当灵活多变,只要女孩愿意,她可以表现得像个假小子。It's not fair to stereotype a whole group of people based on one person you don't like.你因不喜欢一个人而对其所属的整个群体有成见,这是不公平的。She buys into the stereotype of the fat person gorging herself.她人云亦云地相信了胖子会胡吃海喝这种老一套说法。I just don't have an Iraqi stereotype.我对伊拉克人不抱有刻板成见。Teachers often stereotype kids who speak with strong regional accents.老师们往往对有浓重地方口音的孩子有老一套的看法。Her methods play into the stereotype that lawyers are dishonest.她的几种方法印证了律师都不诚实的成见。They put pressure on women to conform to a stereotype.他们对妇女施加压力,要求她们遵守妇道。They rejected the sexual stereotype of blue for a boy and pink for a girl, and dressed their baby in other colors instead.他们摒弃了男孩穿蓝色、女孩穿粉红色的性别旧框框,给他们的宝宝穿了其他颜色的衣服。There's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen.人们对于成功商人一直都有一种固定印象。Many men feel their body shape doesn't live up to the stereotype of the ideal man.很多男人都觉得自己的体形不符合人们心目中惯有的理想男性形象。I am well aware that we all conform to one stereotype or another.我们所有人都能找到某种与自己相似的模式化形象,这一点我很清楚。He doesn't conform to the stereotype of a military man.他没有军人的那种严肃刻板。Charles quite plainly did not fit the stereotype of a successful, high powered businessman.查尔斯显然与那种干劲十足的成功商人的典型形象不相符。He doesn't fit the standard stereotype of a movie villain.他与电影中常见的反面人物不符。




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