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词汇 bench
例句 The lawyer asked if he could approach the bench.律师问他是否可以靠近法官席。He spent most of his season on the bench. 他整个赛季大多待在替补席上。Ian Ferguson was preferred to Stuart McCall, who was on the bench.伊恩·弗格森比坐在替补席上的斯图尔特·麦考尔更受器重。A distinguished judge is an adornment to the bench.一个杰出的法官会给法官席增添光彩。The bench was crowded so we all squinched together to make more room.长凳上人多,所以我们都挤挤拢再空些位置出来。A long bench runs down one side of the room.沿房间一边有条长凳。She approached a young couple holding hands on a bench.她走近一对手拉手坐在长椅上的年轻情侣。Harry slid across the bench so he was sitting next to me.哈里从长凳那头移过来,坐在我身边。A decrepit old man sat on a park bench.一位年迈体衰的老人坐在公园的长椅上。The Education Secretary has made further concessions to the back-bench rebels.教育部长对持反对意见的后座议员作出了进一步的让步。Ferguson was on the bench.弗格森坐在替补席上。He sat down on a park bench.他在公园的长椅上坐了下来。The branches of the trees formed an arch over the bench.树枝交错,在长椅上方形成一个拱形。May we approach the bench, Your Honor?我们能坐下吗,尊敬的法官大人?One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench.他的一个同伴将长椅上的位子让了出来。Prakash reclined on the bench seat.普拉卡什躺在长椅上。I slouched on a bench and watched the children feed the swans.我没精打采地坐在长凳上,看着孩子们喂天鹅。Some of the Government front bench still believe our relationship with the U.S. is paramount.一些下院前座的内阁大臣仍然认为我们同美国的关系是首要的。He had the park bench to himself.他一人独占了那张公园长凳。He had served on the bench and in Congress.他曾经当过法官和国会议员。Allgood served on the bench for more than 50 years.奥尔古德当了五十多年的法官。Above his bed is a picture of two old men sitting on a park bench.他床头上方有一幅画,是两个老人坐在公园的一条长凳上。The runaway car crashed into a bench.那辆失控的车撞上了一条长椅。He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench.他把她推开,她向后跌坐到长木椅上。She sat quietly on the bench outside the courthouse, trying to compose her feelings.她静静地坐在法院外的长椅上,努力平复自己的情绪。The prime minister's reply was met with howls of laughter from the opposition front bench.首相的回答引起了反对党前座议员的阵阵哄笑。Both men had argued that their trips had been undertaken in their capacity as front bench spokesmen.两人都争辩说他们的旅行是在作为前座议员发言人的权限内进行的。Moira stretched herself out on the lower bench.莫伊拉在较矮的长椅上躺下了。They have several top players on the subs' bench.他们的候补队员席上还坐着好几名顶级队员。The bench is hard and uneasy.这长凳又硬又不舒服。Sam slouched back and propped his elbows up on the bench behind him.萨姆懒洋洋地往后仰着,双肘支在身后的长椅上。The judge's bench is well elevated and covered by a walnut canopy.法官席很高,上面罩着一个胡桃木的华盖。Some of the Government front bench still believe our relationship with the US is paramount.一些政府前座议员仍然相信我们和美国的关系高于一切。Let's roll the log up to the fire; it can do duty for a bench.让我们把这圆木滚到炉火边,它能当凳子用呢。The bench tips on the uneven floor.长凳在高低不平的地面上倾斜着。His exercise routine consisted of bench presses and squats.他以仰卧推举和深蹲作为锻炼途径。She plumped her bags onto the bench.她把几个包撂到了长凳上。The young lovers necked on the park bench.这对年轻的恋人在公园长椅上亲热拥吻起来。He was sitting on a park bench. 他坐在公园的长凳上。They stopped and sat on a park bench.他们停下来,坐在公园长椅上。




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