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词汇 steamed
例句 The London to Edinburgh express steamed into Newcastle right on time.从伦敦到爱丁堡的快车准时驶抵纽卡斯尔。The bathroom mirror steamed up during my shower.我淋浴的时候,浴室的镜子蒙上了水汽。Don't get so steamed-up about it – it's not really important.别为这事那么生气,其实这无关紧要。What are you getting steamed up about?你在发什么火呢?I remember going to the lecture in my first week and getting very steamed up.我还记得第一周去听课时生了一肚子气。Some steamed potatoes or baked potatoes at night will not increase your weight.在深夜食用一些蒸土豆或者烤土豆不会增加你的体重。The general manager may have got steamed up about nothing.总经理可能是平白无故就生气了。The mirror is all steamed up.镜子上全是水汽。His glasses steamed up as soon as he came indoors.他刚一进屋眼镜上就起了一层雾。He gets steamed up over trivial things.他因琐事而生气。The glass doors of the kitchen were steamed up.厨房的玻璃门上蒙着一层水汽。Christmas pudding is made with dried fruit and spices, and steamed.圣诞布丁里放有果脯和香料,蒸熟后食用。Sunlight steamed through the dirt particles in the air.阳光透射过空气中的灰尘微粒。The hot coffee steamed my glasses.热咖啡使我眼镜蒙上了一层水汽。Their breath steamed the windows.他们的呼吸使窗户蒙上了水汽。The train steamed out of the station noisily.蒸汽火车轰隆隆地驶出了车站。Going into the warm room steamed my glasses up.走进暖和的房间,我的眼镜蒙上了一层水雾。The ship steamed into port.汽船驶入港口。Enjoy a chai latte - our blend of black tea with aromatic spices made with steamed milk and honey.请享用印度奶茶,我们用加香料的黑茶烹制,配以牛奶和蜂蜜。The broccoli, peppers and squash should be steamed.花椰菜、青椒和南瓜应当蒸熟。Someone has steamed open the envelope.有人用蒸汽揭开了这信封。The next day dawned sombre and gloomy, but the weather improved as we steamed along.第二天拂晓,天阴沉沉的,但我们匆匆赶了一段路之后天气好些了。My glasses steamed up when I came indoors from the cold.当我从寒冷的外面走进屋时眼镜蒙上了雾气。Coffee steamed in the richly decorated silver pot.咖啡在装饰精美的银壶中冒着热气。There's no need to get all steamed up.没有必要那么激动。The luxury liner steamed into New York on Thursday.豪华客轮周四驶进了纽约。Coffee pots steamed on their burners.咖啡壶在炉子上冒热气。Geoff steamed in ten minutes late.杰夫快速走了进来,迟到了十分钟。The sea gradually calmed down as we steamed out.我们的轮船开出去时,海面逐渐平静下来了。We steamed up the river. 我们坐汽船沿河上行。The soup steamed invitingly.汤发出诱人的热气。The windows were all steamed up.窗户都蒙上了水汽。He got the players steamed up to win the game.他激励得队员们摩拳擦掌,求胜心切。He's all steamed up about the delay.对这次延误他感到十分恼火。Mamma steamed her damp boots at the fire.妈妈把湿靴子放在火上烘。My glasses are all steamed up.我的眼镜上全是水汽。The glass is all steamed up still.整块玻璃仍然蒙着水汽。He steamed into the room and began shouting orders.他冲进房间,开始高声下达命令。




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