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词汇 stay with
例句 As I see it, there are two alternatives. We can either stay with your parents or rent a place.在我看来有两种选择:我们可以跟你父母一起住,或者我们租房子。She's a parasite who only stays with him for the money.她是只寄生虫,和他在一起只是为了钱。The hijacker released most of the passengers but six were forced to stay with the crew.劫匪释放了大部分乘客,但是有六名乘客被迫与机组人员一起留下来。Living out of suitcases,he has no time to stay with his family.他老是提着衣箱过日子,没时间和家人呆在一起。He suddenly took it into his head to go out to Australia to stay with his son.他突然心血来潮,打算去澳大利亚和儿子一起住。He's gone to stay with his widowed mother in Florida.他去了佛罗里达州跟守寡的母亲同住。The other runners struggled to stay with the leader.其他运动员努力赶上领跑者。It would be lovely to stay with you, but I don't want to put you out.和你在一起是很好,但是我不想给你添麻烦。One of Sarah's friends is coming to stay with us this summer.今年夏天萨拉的一个朋友要来和我们一起住。You can stay with us; we'll all just double up.你可以和我们待在一起,我们大家挤住在一室吧。If Nick stayed with you this vacation, perhaps it would bring him out of his shell a little.如果尼克这个假期和你一块过,也许能使他活泼一点。You know you're welcome to stay with us as long as you like.你知道,你在我们家想住多久都是欢迎的。I sent my other son to the country to stay with kinfolk.我把另一个儿子送到乡下和亲戚住在一起。I've got to stay with my mother, you see, so I can't come along.要知道,我得陪我母亲,所以不能来了。His sense of unease stayed with him, all the way back home.在回家的路上,他始终感到惴惴不安。If it comes to the crunch and you and your husband do split up, you can always stay with us.如果到最后关头,你和你丈夫非得离婚,你总还可以和我们住在一起。They begrudged every day they had to stay with their father.他们抱怨每天都不得不和父亲呆在一起。We do hope you enjoy your stay with us.我们真的希望你与我们在一起能过得愉快。He wants to stay with his wife but still see his girlfriend – talk about having your cake and eating it!他想和妻子呆在一起,但又想见女友,竟然想两者兼得!My friend Kyle stayed with the company and became a departmental manager.我的朋友凯尔留在公司里当了部门经理。What beats me is why she stays with him.我不理解她为什么跟他在一起。Remember that you have a standing invitation to stay with us.记住你随时都可以和我们住在一起。The memory of that tragic day has stayed with her ever since.那悲惨的一天她永远无法忘记。She's having the children stay with us for the weekend. 她让孩子们周末和我们待在一起。I don't think she wanted us to come and stay with her, she just offered out of courtesy.我不认为她真的希望我们来与她同住,她那样说仅仅是出于礼貌罢了。He decided to stay with the team.他决定待在这个队里。You'll have to decide whether you want to stay with your sister or you want to go on holiday; you can't have it both ways.你必须决定是跟姐姐在家还是去度假,不能脚踏两条船。The memory of his father's death stayed with him all his life.父亲去世的记忆伴随了他一生。The psychological aftereffects of a tragedy like the Zeebrugge disaster can stay with the survivors for years.像泽布吕赫市的灾难事件给幸存者带来的心理影响将会持续许多年。I stayed with an Israeli family, and relished the chance to soak up their culture at ground-level.我住在一个以色列家庭里,借此机会从基本层面学习他们的文化。How long have you stayed with this method?这种办法你用多久了?We stayed with friends.我们待在朋友家里。When his master's off traveling, Caleb stays with Pierre's parents.凯莱布在主人外出旅行时与皮埃尔的父母住在一起。I hope you enjoyed your stay with us.我希望你和我们在一起的时间过得很愉快。Martin was bundled off to stay with relatives.马丁被打发到亲戚家里住。I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.我去和叔叔婶婶住了几天。You have a standing invitation to stay with us whenever you are in Shanghai.不管你什么时候来上海,我们都请你来住。My wife's parents came to stay with us at Christmas.圣诞节的时候,我妻子的父母来同我们住在一起。You must come and stay with us in London sometime.你一定得找个时间来伦敦到我们这儿住住。I said he could stay with us, but he wouldn't hear of it.我说他可以跟我们呆在一起,可他不听。




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