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词汇 stay for
例句 Are you going to stay for the fireworks?你准备留下来看烟花表演吗?He was sorry he had agreed to stay for dinner.他后悔同意留下来吃晚饭。She wouldn't take a drink, much less stay for dinner.她连饮料都不愿喝一杯,更别提留下吃饭了。She made like she was about to leave, but then stayed for hours.她装出要走的样子,可一呆又是几个小时。He wanted me to stay for supper.他想让我留下来吃晚饭。Revelling in her freedom, she took a hotel room and stayed for several days.陶醉在自由中的她在宾馆开了一间房,住了几天。They asked me to stay for lunch.他们请我留下来吃午饭。We don't need to go straight off - we can stay for a little while.我们用不着马上就走——我们可以呆一会儿。She asked us whether we would like to stay for dinner or not.她问我们要不要留下来吃晚饭。For the little extra it'll cost, we might just as well stay for another night.只需多花一点儿钱,我们完全可以再住一晚。They gave him a place to stay for the night.他们给他提供过夜的地方。We stayed for the film credits.我们一直看完电影演职人员字幕。He accepted our invitation to stay for the weekend.他接受了我们的邀请,周末留了下来。A misty rain in the morning had left behind a coolness that would stay for hours.早上,蒙蒙细雨带来一股清凉之意,数小时不散。We only want to stay for one night.我们只是想待一个晚上。In recent years the average hospital stay for elderly patients has decreased.近年来,老年人的平均住院时间缩短了。Won't you stay for lunch?你不能留下来吃午饭吗?When she asked if they wanted to stay for tea, Larry fibbed and said they had a few errands to run.她问他们要不要留下来喝杯茶,拉里就借口说他们要去办点事儿。Would you like to stay for a coffee, or are you in a hurry to leave?你想留下来喝杯咖啡,还是急着要走?I'm sorry I can't stay for a chat, time's really tight.对不起我不能停,时间真的很紧。I only stayed for a short while.我就呆了一小会儿。You're welcome to stay for lunch.欢迎你留下来吃午饭。A stack of hay will self-ignite if it stays for a long time.干草堆放久了就会自燃。We originally intended to stay for just a few days.我们原先打算只逗留几天的。You are more than welcome to stay for dinner, but we aren't having anything special.非常欢迎你留下来吃晚饭,不过我们只有家常便饭。You have to stay for a minimum of 7 days.你必须至少逗留七天。Do we have to stay for the whole show?我们一定要留下来看完整场演出吗?Will you stay for supper?.你愿意留下吃晚饭吗?It was a sight so awe-inspiring we could have stayed for hours.那景色令人惊叹,我们可以几个小时流连忘返。You may stay for a maximum of two weeks.你最多可以停留两个星期。She's coming back to stay for a piece.她要回来小住一段时间。Would you like to stay for lunch? It's just pot luck.你愿意留下来吃午饭吗?就是家常便饭而已。She stayed for a while afterwards.她后来又呆了一些时候。They stay for only a few days before moving on.他们只呆了几天就又接着起程了。I got him to stay for the night.我说服他留下过夜。I was tempted to stay for another drink, but in the end I restrained myself and went home.我想再喝一杯,可是最后我忍住了并回了家。




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