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词汇 stating
例句 It is stating the obvious, but regular measurement of blood pressure is essential in older people.可能不说大家也知道,定期给老人量血压是很重要的。I was merely stating an opinion.我仅仅是表达一个看法。As an exercise in stating the obvious, this could scarcely be faulted.这说的都是些显而易见的事情,几乎不可能出错。Just one consumer review stating the book is unreadable could be the kiss of death for the book.哪怕只有一条顾客评论说此书不值一读,对这本书来说也可能会是灭顶之灾。At the risk of stating the obvious, people who have not paid cannot be admitted.尽管可能是多余的话,但仍然要说明,未付款者不得进入。She seems to have no inhibitions about stating her opinion.对于陈述自己的观点,她好像无所顾忌。I'm not making excuses-I'm just stating a fact.我没有找借口 - 我只是在陈述事实。The Prime Minister countered by stating that he had grave misgivings about the advice he had been given.总理反驳说他对自己所收到的那些建议颇为顾虑。We have a signed affidavit stating that the two men were seen entering the building.我们有一份由证人签过字的书面证词,证实有人看见那两个男子进入了大楼。Your feature has the merit of simply stating what has been achieved.你这篇专题文章的可取之处是简明扼要地道出了取得的成就。She was just stating a possibility.她只是在陈述一种可能性。He tried to cool the temperature by stating some obvious facts.他试图把一些明显的事实讲出来以平息人们的激烈情绪。If this product does not give complete satisfaction, please return it to the manufacturer stating when and where it was purchased.如果这件产品不能令您完全满意,请将其退还给制造商,并说明产品的购买日期和地点。She was diffident about stating her opinion.她对发表自己的看法很谨慎。The Government issued a disclaimer stating that no such promise had been made.政府发表声明否认作过这样的承诺。It may be stating the obvious, but most teleworking at present is connected with computers.这一点或许人人皆知,但当前大部分远程办公都离不开计算机。I am merely stating the facts.我只不过是在陈述事实。Compose a letter to your local paper stating your views on an issue of your choice.选一个题材给当地的报纸写信谈谈你的意见。She accused me of stating the obvious. 她指责我陈述的是人尽皆知的事实。She minces no words in stating her opinions.她毫不隐讳地发表自己的意见。You are stating the obvious. Tell me something I don't already know.你说的都是明摆着的事,说点我还不知道的。




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