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词汇 statement
例句 The police officer took a statement which was later used in evidence.警察记下了那个后来被用作证据的陈述。The reporters corralled the candidate and asked him for a statement.记者们围住那个候选人,请他说些话。This is merely a statement of fact.这仅仅是事实的说明Last night he issued a statement denying the allegations.昨晚他发表声明否认那些指控。There were some discrepancies in the statement he gave to police.他给警方的陈述有些不一致之处。The press officer said that the president's statement was an off-the-cuff remark, not as an official statement of policy.新闻发言人说总统的发言是一番即兴讲话,不是正式的政策声明。She merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement.她只是点点头对他的话表示认可。The invasion was all the more remarkable in antithesis with the peaceful statement made a few days previous to the attack.与进攻发起前数日发表的和平声明相对照,入侵格外令人瞠目。To support this contention, his lawyers quoted a statement made by McMahon in a previous case.为了证明自己的论断,他的律师团援引了麦克马洪在前一件案子中的陈述。It is a statement in conflict with other evidence.这一陈述与其他证词不一致。You can't make a statement like that without any supporting documentation.在没有任何证明文件的情况下,你不能那样妄作论断。There had been something in Des's first statement.德斯最初的陈述有些道理。Saunder's lawyer made a brief statement to the press outside the court.桑德的律师在法庭外向新闻界发表了简短声明。Only one newspaper picked up on the contradictions in the statement.只有一家报纸注意到了声明中的矛盾之处。His statement was short on rhetoric and long on substance.他的陈述词藻贫乏,但内容充实。You're deliberately unconventional. Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your nonconformity.你是刻意在标新立异,连衣服的选择都在显示你的桀骜不驯。A solicitor issued a statement on behalf of the victim's family.一位初级律师代表受害者家庭发表了声明。The way you dress can make a statement about you.你的穿着表现了你的个性。She read a statement to reporters yesterday.昨天她向记者宣读了一份声明。This statement is completely at odds with what was said last week.这一说法跟上星期所说的完全不一样。The spokesperson read a prepared statement.发言人宣读了预先准备好的声明。The President read a brief statement to reporters before boarding his plane.总统登机前向记者宣读了一篇简短的声明。It's a simple statement of fact.这仅仅是对事实的陈述。A child with sufficient understanding may sometimes be asked to give a statement.有足够理解力的孩子有时可能会被要求作一说明。His statement was purposely ambiguous.他故意陈述得含糊不清。No one can attest to the absolute truth of his statement.没有人可以证明他的话是绝对正确的。Use a personal mission statement to chart your career course.用人生目标宣言来规划你的事业。The Ambassador said he hoped the statement would serve as a wake-up call to the government.大使说,他希望这一声明能给政府敲响警钟。All credits, debits, and charges will show on your bank statement.所有的存入款项、取出款项以及手续费都会体现在你的银行对账单上。The emergency meeting had lasted all night, and the President looked drawn as he read the statement.紧急会议开了一个通宵,总统宣读声明时显得很憔悴。Such a statement was hardly calculated to deter future immigrants.这样的声明不太可能吓住将来的移民。The proposed changes are contained in a policy statement.提出的改革包含在一项政策声明中。In a statement issued directly to the public on Thursday...在星期四直接向公众发布的一份声明中⋯I was impressed by the candor of his statement.他坦诚的表述给我留下了深刻的印象。After his statement, his opponent fired back.他陈述完后,反对者们进行了反驳。Hunter's statement drew laughter from the crowd.亨特的陈述引得众人大笑。The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance.总借记和总贷记的结算即账户余额。We can't make a definitive statement on the matter until all the facts are in.未掌握所有事实之前,我们无法对这一事件做出确切的陈述。The two heads of state issued a joint statement.两国元首发表了一份联合声明。No statement can be made at the present time.目前不能发表任何声明。




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