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词汇 starving
例句 The homeless and the starving, refugees of the war, were flocking to the cities.无家可归者、饥民和战争难民一群群地涌入城市。The effect was to disrupt the food chain, starving many animals and those that preyed on them.其结果就是破坏食物链,使很多动物和那些以捕食它们为生的动物饿死。You throw food away, and meanwhile children are starving all over the world.你们把食物扔掉,而全世界都有儿童在挨饿。Many live in luxury while others are starving.许多人生活奢侈,而另一些人却在挨饿。The motherless children were starving for affection.没娘的孩子们渴望爱抚。Never before had he seen so many people starving.他以前从未见过这么多的人在挨饿。I skipped lunch, so by dinnertime I was starving.我没吃午饭,所以晚饭时我很饿。Let's get something to eat; I'm starving.我们吃点东西吧;我饿坏了。Their policies will leave innocent children starving in the streets.他们的政策将让无辜的儿童流落街头,忍饥挨饿。Could you put the heating on? I'm starving!你能把暖气打开吗?我快冻死了!The miserable old curmudgeon would begrudge giving a penny to a starving man.这个可恶的老守财奴连给饥饿的人一分钱都舍不得。He is starving for attention.他渴望受到关注。I don't know about you, but I'm starving.我不知道你怎么样,反正我是饿坏了。Where's the grub? I'm starving.吃的东西放在哪里?我饿死了。I can't get the pictures of those starving children out of my head.我忘不了那些挨饿的孩子们的照片。She's starving herself trying to lose weight.她用节食疗法试图减肥。We need good food to nourish the starving infants.我们需要好食品滋养这些挨饿的婴儿。I'm absolutely starving – I missed lunch.我饿坏了 — 我没吃上午饭。More food supplies are needed to feed the starving population.需要更多的食品供应来养活饥饿的人们。He proposed to annihilate the rebels by starving them out.他提议用饥饿击垮反叛者,迫使他们就范。The film contained harrowing scenes of starving children.这部电影有一些描写饥饿儿童的骇人镜头。After being alone for so long, I was starving for conversation.独处了这么久,我渴望和人交谈。Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.饥民的照片在电视上播出后,西方的慈善组织倍感震惊,马上行动了起来。Relief missions try to keep the country's population from starving to death.赈灾机构努力不让这个国家的人饿死。I've been driving for eight hours non-stop and I am absolutely starving.我连续开了八小时的车,现在饿极了。People were literally starving.人们真的要饿死了。When the rescuers arrived, the survivors were starving.救援人员到达时,幸存者们已经饿得不行了。A number of the prisoners we saw are starving.我们看到的一些囚犯快要饿死了。Those people are starving.那些人在挨饿。War has now added to the misery of these starving people.如今战争令这些饥民的日子雪上加霜。He's starving all day, then gorging at night on a burger, shake, and fries.他饿了一整天了,晚上狼吞虎咽地吃了一个汉堡、一杯奶昔和一堆炸薯条。She used to eat too much, but now she's gone to the opposite extreme and is practically starving herself.她以前吃得太多,可是现在走到了另一个极端,几乎要饿死自己了。There is a heartbreaking news report about starving children.有一则关于饥饿儿童的令人心碎的新闻报导。They were literally starving to death.他们真的快要饿死了。It tore at my heartstrings to see the starving child.看到这个挨饿的孩子,我非常心痛。The starving dog was nothing but skin and bones.这条饿狗瘦得跟皮包骨似的。How can anyone remain unmoved by pictures of starving children on our TV screens?看了我们电视屏幕上播出的饥饿儿童的画面,谁还能无动于衷?They have barely enough money to keep them from starving.他们的钱只够勉强填饱肚子。Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.生病挨饿的难民都是战争中流离失所的人。The plants are starving for water.这些植物极需要水。




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