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词汇 starve
例句 She told a sob story about how she had to starve herself to pay for the rent.她讲了个博取同情的故事,说她当时为了付房租如何忍饥挨饿。The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.军队打算占领该城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。Napoleon threatened to starve the country into submission.拿破仑扬言要使这个国家挨饿到屈服。The famine caused many to starve to death. 饥荒使很多人饿死。He locked them in a room and left them to starve.他把他们锁在一间屋子里,任由他们挨饿。I'd sooner starve than eat that disgusting food.我宁愿饿着,也不愿意吃那恶心的食物。Unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve to death.这些人如果在两个星期之后还拿不到食物,就会活活饿死。The poor starve and the rich feast.穷人挨饿,富人吃喝。They tried to starve us into surrender.他们试图以饥饿迫使我们投降。The effect was to starve many animals and those that preyed on them.结果是使许多动物以及捕食这些动物的其他动物遭受饥饿之苦。They left him to starve out in the desert.他们把他留在沙漠中饿死。Reptiles often live in deserts where other animals would starve.爬行动物常生活在荒漠地区,而那里的其它动物就会饿死。It's a sight better to work than to starve.工作总比挨饿要好得多。If prices slump further, the farmers will starve.如果价格再狂跌下去,农场主就要没饭吃了。Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the city.如果食物不能运到那座城市,许多人就要饿死。They tried to starve their enemies into submission.他们试图以断绝敌人食物来迫使他们屈服。You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.你不必通过饿肚子来减肥。The most damaging thing the West could do is to starve Russia of new foreign capital.西方能够祭出的最阴险一招就是不让俄罗斯得到新的外资。We can't stand by while millions of people starve.数百万人在忍饥挨饿,我们不能袖手旁观。You have built up a huge property empire by buying from wretched people who had to sell or starve.你靠从那些不卖房就得挨饿的可怜人手里买下房子后建立起了庞大的房产帝国。Without food they would starve.没有食物他们会饿死。The people refused to pay taxes to starve the government of funds.人民拒绝纳税以使政府资金匮乏。The prisoners were taken out into the desert and left to starve.囚犯们被押出去,扔进沙漠慢慢地饿死。She really laid it on - saying that her kids would starve if we didn't give you a job.她真是在装可怜—说什么我们要是不给你一份工作,她的几个孩子就会挨饿了。The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.军队打算攻占这座城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。They starve for knowledge.他们渴望获得知识。I'll never be dependent on anyone again. I'd rather starve.我再也不依靠任何人了。我宁愿饿死。He said the only alternative was to starve the people, and he said this could not be allowed to happen.他说唯一的其他选择就是让人们挨饿,又说这是绝对不允许发生的。If we can't flush them out, we'll starve them out.如果赶不走他们,我们就饿走他们。The poor starve while the rich feast.穷人挨饿,富人饕餮。




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