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词汇 Staff
例句 Staff may soon be obliged to exchange their car keys for cycle clips.员工们可能很快就得把汽车钥匙换成骑自行车用的裤腿夹了。Staff turnover is particularly high among junior grades.基层职员的流动率特别高。Staff saw costs escalating and sales slumping as the effect of the recession hit the company.经济衰退的影响对这家公司造成冲击,于是员工看到成本上涨,而销售量下跌。Staff members were asked to work on Sundays, with the implication that they would lose their jobs if they refused.员工被要求星期日上班,暗里的意思是谁要是拒绝的话就会丢掉饭碗。Staff are paid by the hour.向员工支付的是时薪。Staff can trace calls at the touch of a button.工作人员按一个按钮就可以追踪来电。Staff are encouraged to use information resources in furtherance of their own professional interests.员工被鼓励使用信息库以增进对自身的专业兴趣。Staff members are conversant with the issues.职工对这些问题很有经验。Staff were whispering that the company was about to go out of business.员工私下在传,说公司要倒闭了。Staff officers galloped fine horses down the road.参谋们骑着骏马,沿着大路疾驰而去。Staff will be able to trace calls at the touch of a button.工作人员一摁按钮便可以追踪电话。Staff are trained to deal with any emergency.员工都要接受如何处理紧急情况的培训。Staff at the supermarket campaigned against Sunday opening.超市的员工为反对星期日开门营业发起了抗议活动。Staff were notified several months in advance that they would be losing their jobs.职员提前几个月收到通知说他们将要失业了。Staff shortages have put an upward pressure on wages.员工短缺造成了涨薪的压力。Staff who have to travel farther can claim excess travel expenses.需要到更远的地方出差的职员可以领取额外差旅费。Staff were instructed to repel intruders with physical force, if need be.员工们接到指示,必要时可以武力驱逐闯入者。Staff shortages cause problems for the organization.人手不足给这个组织造成困难。Staff members are trained by their peers.员工接受同事的培训。Staff at the hostel were accused of neglecting and abusing children in their care.收容所里的工作人员被指责忽视并虐待他们看管的孩子。Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.他自焚时员工们惊恐地看着。Bradley went on to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.布拉德利进而当上了参谋长联席会议主席。Staff meetings take place once a week.员工会议每周举行一次。Staff members were given a bonus for finishing the project on schedule.因为项目如期完成,员工们都拿到了奖金。Staff offer unobtrusive and efficient service.员工们的服务并不引人注目,但效率很高。Staff will be issued new uniforms.会向员工发放新制服。Staff photocopied the cheque before cashing it.员工在兑现前复印了支票。Staff are working overtime to catch up with a backlog of orders.员工在加班加点处理积压的订单。Staff at some air and sea ports are beginning to protest over pay.一些机场和港口的职员开始抗议薪酬太低。Staff are encouraged to go on stress-management courses.我们鼓励员工上压力管理课。Staff were interviewed to find out who leaked the story.全体人员都被叫去问话以查出泄露内情的人。Staff must report for duty at their normal place of work.职员必须在平时上班的地方签到。Staff meetings are held twice a month.员工会议一个月举行两次。Staff were recruited specially for the event.为此次活动特别招聘了一些工作人员。Staff criticized the way the history department was run.员工对历史系的管理提出了批评。Staff are often discourteous and sometimes downright rude.职员经常很不礼貌,有时甚至粗鲁透顶。Staff and students are cordially invited to the ceremony.热忱邀请教职员工和学生参加典礼。Staff are expected to produce their own teaching materials.教员们应该编出自己的教材。Staff should be prompt in dealing with complaints.员工们应该迅速处理投诉。Staff complained that they were being overworked.员工们抱怨说他们劳累过度。




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