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词汇 squeezing
例句 Supermarkets are accused of squeezing both customers and suppliers.超市被指控挤压顾客和供应商。Ruth smiled, squeezing his hand affectionately.露丝笑了,充满爱意地捏了捏他的手。The investigators complained about the difficulties of squeezing information out of residents.调查人员抱怨说很难从居民身上获取信息。Step up, squeezing the right glute as you lift.踩高、提腿时收紧臀大肌。He was holding her hands and squeezing them between his.他握住她的双手,轻轻捏着。The children were squeezing the packets to find out what was inside.孩子们使劲捏那些小包装,想要弄明白里面装的是什么。The banks are squeezing them for more money.银行在向他们榨取更多的金钱。Fashion gurus dictate crazy ideas such as squeezing oversized bodies into tight trousers.时尚专家提出的疯狂想法,例如把肥胖的身体塞进紧身裤里。That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother.那家伙做得出勒索老母亲钱财的事来。The investigators complained about the difficulties of squeezing information out of residents.调查者抱怨很难强行从居民那里获取信息。They won't stop till they've succeeded in squeezing every last penny out of you.他们直到榨得你身无分文才会罢休。




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