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词汇 squeezed
例句 He squeezed detergent over the dishes.他往盘子上挤了些洗涤剂。The instructor squeezed a lot of information into one week.这位讲师把很多信息都集中在一个星期里讲完。I squeezed through a hole in the hedge into the garden.我挤过树篱的一个洞进了花园。He squeezed the trigger, but nothing happened.他扣动扳机,但没有反应。She squeezed her eyes shut to keep the tears from coming.她紧闭双眼不让泪水涌出来。She squeezed his arm, almost a pinch.她捏着他的手臂,几乎就是在掐他。I reached across the table and squeezed his hand.我把手伸到桌子的另一边,捏住他的手。I squeezed the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube.我从牙膏管里挤出最后一点儿牙膏。His legs were squeezed together.他双腿紧紧并拢。He took sure aim and squeezed the trigger.他信心十足地瞄准后用力扣动扳机。He aimed for the center of the man's head and squeezed off a single round.他瞄准那名男子的脑门正中开了一枪。High interest rates have squeezed the industry hard.高利率使得这个行业举步维艰。Greece just squeezed through into the next round.希腊队勉强进入了下一轮比赛。The press squeezed as much mileage from her alleged cold-blooded wickedness as possible.报界从她的所谓冷血恶行中榨取了尽可能多的好处。The dog squeezed through the small hole in the wall.那条狗挤过了小小的墙洞。Mother squeezed me tighly when I left.我走的时候,母亲紧紧地拥抱我。These big stores have squeezed out a lot of the smaller locally owned shops.这些大百货商店已经挤走了很多当地的小型商店。Other directors appear happy that Lord Hollick has been squeezed out.其他董事都因为霍利克勋爵被挤了出去而显得很高兴。The police squeezed a confession from her.警方好不容易才使她认罪。One by one, the old members of the band were being squeezed out.乐队的老成员一个接一个地被排挤出去。We were all squeezed into the elevator.我们所有人都被塞进了电梯里。The nurse pricked my finger and squeezed out a drop of blood.护士在我的手指上扎了一下,然后挤出一滴血。Bill squeezed her hand reassuringly.比尔紧紧握住她的手,让她镇定。They lowered him gradually into the cockpit. Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space, and strapped him in.他们将他慢慢向下放入驾驶舱,设法将他塞进了狭小的空间,并给他系好安全带。I squeezed the toothpaste tube, but nothing came out.我挤了牙膏管,但没有东西出来。We squeezed under the wire and into the garden.我们从金属丝网下挤进了花园。When they got divorced, his wife squeezed him dry and took everything.他们离婚时,他妻子拿走了所有的东西,把他榨干了。Everyone was standing/squeezed shoulder to shoulder on the crowded bus.在拥挤的公共汽车上,大家肩并肩地紧挨着站着。Alice squeezed my arm affectionately, and said goodbye.艾丽斯温柔地捏了捏我的手臂道别。Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables.拉丁文和希腊文课程将会被挤出学校的课程表。The bill squeezed through both houses.议案在两院勉强获得通过。Spiralling costs have squeezed profits.急剧上升的成本压缩了利润空间。He had squeezed through a hole in the fence.他从篱笆上的洞挤了过去。Tina squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip.蒂娜闭上了双眼,咬了咬嘴唇。He squeezed the juice from the orange.他用橙子榨汁。She squeezed some cream onto her hands.她把一些乳霜挤到手上。She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.她有一种可怕的感觉,自己的生命正在慢慢凋零。We squeezed through a narrow passage between the rocks.我们从岩石间狭窄的通道勉强通过。He squeezed out the last bit of toothpaste from the tube.他将管子里的最后一点牙膏挤了出来。She squeezed out some ketchup. = She squeezed some ketchup out.她挤出了一些番茄酱。




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