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词汇 spurt
例句 At adolescence, muscles go through a growth spurt.在青春期,肌肉会迅猛发育。In a sudden spurt of anger, Ellen slammed the door shut.突然一阵怒火爆发,埃伦砰的一声把门关上。I flushed bright red as a spurt of anger flashed through me.一股怒气直冲头顶,我的脸一下子涨得通红。Boys experience a growth spurt during puberty.男孩子在青春期阶段发育迅速。I saw flames spurt from the roof.我看到火焰从屋顶冒了出来。A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.一股柴油从一个阀门中喷射出来,另一个阀门中则没有喷出任何东西。With one final spurt, he reached the top of the hill.他最后一鼓作气爬上了山顶。They played well for a brief spurt but then started losing again.他们在一小段时间里打得很好,但之后就又开始输球了。She put on a spurt to get to the station in time.她突然加速飞奔以及时赶到车站。He hit her on the head, causing her too to spurt blood.他击中了她的头部,她也开始流血。Green put on a spurt and gained upon his pursuer.格林一鼓作气把追赶的人抛在后面。These muscles work in a steady state for most of the race except at the end when the athlete puts on a spurt.在赛跑过程中这些肌肉多数时间里都匀速地运动着,但在最后运动员冲刺时则是例外。The recent spurt in violence has demoralised the public.最近暴力行为激增,这已经打击了公众的信心。Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it's so easy for contents to spurt out.打开容器时要戴好护眼用具,因为里面的东西很容易喷出来。I put on a spurt and soon caught them up.我加速飞奔,很快就追上了他们。He felt a spurt of resentment against his brother.他心中突然涌起一股对哥哥的憎恨之情。My appetite has taken a sudden spurt.我的胃口突然大增。The whale sent one final spurt into the air and disappeared.鲸把最后一柱水喷向空中,然后消失了。The recent spurt in violence has demoralized the public.近来暴力事件的激增打击了公众的信心。




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