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词汇 spun
例句 He grabbed her and spun her around. 他抓住她,猛地将她转过身来。Katharine spun round to face him.凯瑟琳猛地转过身,面对着他。I went to my locker, spun the dial, and got my books out.我走到我的寄物柜跟前,转动号码盘,取出书。He spun the steering-wheel so that we yawed from side to side.他急速打着舵轮,把我们搞得摇来晃去的。The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road.路面上有些油,汽车车轮经过时直打滑。He spun around on the stool to face us.他坐在凳子上转过身来面对着我们。He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.他猛打方向盘,在路中间掉头。He spun around, his heart thumping against his ribs.他猛地转过身来,心狂跳不止,撞击着双肋。Erik Gomas spun off the track when trying to lap Andrew Scott.埃里克·戈马斯在赛道上疾驰,试图领先安德鲁·斯科特一圈。Dobbs yelled back and spun around with clenched fists, ready to fight.多布斯也大吼着回应,然后急转过身来握紧了拳头准备打斗。The wool is combed before being spun into yarn.羊毛在纺成纱线之前需要梳理。The plane spun out of control.那架飞机曾失控进入了尾旋。He spun his car round and went after them.他掉转车头,去追他们。He slammed on the brakes but the wheels locked and the car spun out of control.他猛踩制动,但车轮抱死,汽车开始打转,失去控制。I heard a loud noise and I spun round.我听到一声巨响,立刻转过身去。The rocket spun out of control and crashed.火箭失控坠毁。Martha heard a noise and spun around to see what it was.玛莎听见有动静,转过身来想看看是什么。The car hit a patch of ice and spun into the wall.汽车碰到路面上的冰块,打着转撞到了墙上。The racing car spun over the track.赛车在跑道上疾驰。They joked and spun tall yarns all night long.他们整夜说笑话,侃大山。We were paid by the hour, so I spun out the work for as long as I could.我们按小时计酬,所以我尽可能地拖延时间。The auto parts manufacturer spun off from another company.这家汽车零件生产商是从另一家公司分离出来的。The truck spun out on a patch of ice.卡车在一冰块上打滑失控。He spun the dial on the padlock right, then left, then right again.他把挂锁上的转盘右转,然后左转,然后再右转。They spun us a story about being in desperate need of money.他们编了个瞎话,说他们急需用钱。He spun a yarn about his friendship with the royal family.他胡诌了一通他与王室之间友情的故事。He spun out the story to make a book.他将这个故事加长,写成了一本书。She spun on her heel and walked out of the room.她旋即转身走出房间。The back wheels spun and the van spurted up the last few feet.后轮空转,货车加速冲过了最后几英尺距离。The lunge had thrown him off-balance and he spun, trying to regain his centre of gravity.向前的这一猛扑让他站立不住,他急忙一个转身想稳住重心。The women spun and dyed the wool.女人们纺羊毛并给羊毛染色。The rope's winch drum spun out of control and tripped out.绳索的绞车卷筒转动失控而翻倒。He took a sharp corner too fast and spun out.他在急转弯处因速度太快而打滑失控。The sheep's wool will be spun into yarn.这些羊毛将被用来纺成毛线。They spun off their specialty foods line into a separate company.他们将特色食品生产线分离出来以此创建一个独立公司。We spun the top and watched it turn around in circles.我们把陀螺转动起来,看着它一圈圈地旋转。She spun around to see what had happened.她猛地转过身去,看看发生了什么事。He was surprised, and annoyed that she had spun a story which was too good to be condemned as a simple lie.他很惊讶,也很生气,因为她编的故事太真实了,甚至不能被斥为一个简单的谎言。She spun a tale about her car breaking down to explain why she was late.她编了个汽车抛锚的谎言来解释自己为什么迟到了。She spun a story about a trip to Athens to meet one of the authors.她编了一个故事,说是去雅典见了其中的一位作者。




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