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词汇 spots
例句 There were mud spots on the back of his pants.他裤子后面有些泥点。She can't eat shellfish without coming out in spots.她一吃贝类食物就会起皮疹。She scoured spots from the stove.她把炉子上的污渍擦去。A few spots of rain began to fall.开始下起了几滴小雨。In his lecture he hit the high spots of his subject.他在讲课中阐述了课题的要点。A few spots of rain had fallen.下了几滴雨。Many microwaves heat unevenly, leading to hot spots in the milk.很多微波炉加热不均匀,导致牛奶中有过热部分。The number of spots showing if two dice are thrown is a random variable.掷出两颗骰子所得的点数为随机变量。It will knock spots off many clarets costing twice as much.它远胜过许多比它贵一倍的红葡萄酒。It knocks spots off that restaurant in Cotswold Street.这家餐馆远远胜过科茨沃尔德街上的那家。Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.磁线圈把电子束聚焦成微小的点。They played regularly at legendary hot spots such as the UFO Club.他们经常在诸如飞碟俱乐部等著名场所演出。A leopard cannot change his spots.本性难移。US business has changed its spots in recent years.美国的商业特点近年来已经发生了变化。Guests will be able to visit some of the local beauty spots.来宾可以游览当地的一些景点。When you get off the beaten track, you can find some lovely spots.去到人迹罕至的地方,会发现一些美丽的景致。Dirt clogs the pores, causing spots.灰尘堵塞毛孔,从而生出粉刺。There will be intense/fierce competition for the top spots. 争夺冠亚军的竞争将会非常激烈。The boy's white shirt was marked up with spots of ink.那男孩的白衬衫上有墨水渍。Becka was very self-conscious about her spots.贝卡很在意她的粉刺。They've hit a few rough spots in their marriage.他们的婚姻已经历过几次艰难时刻。I wore that skirt with the green spots.我穿着那条带绿点的裙子。Secure with a few spots of glue.用几滴胶水粘住。Gasoline is a solvent liquid that removes grease spots.汽油是一种能去除油污的有溶解力的液体。The lake is one of the local beauty spots.这个湖是当地的景点之一。Government funding is to be directed at the worst unemployment black spots.政府基金着眼于失业问题最严重的地区。Their designs knock spots off anything their rivals can produce.他们的设计远比对手们所做的要好。There are several beauty spots to visit in Crete.在克里特岛有几个风景区可供游览。Zimbabwe is very beautiful, in spots.津巴布韦有些地方的景色非常美。The new computer system knocks spots off the old one.新的计算机系统比起旧的要好得多。His tone was calm and almost paternal in spots.他的口吻温和,有时几乎带着父亲般的关心。There were many hot spots in the region, where fighting had been going on.该地区有很多处于交火状态的热点。Stress, lack of rest and too much stodgy food had made Pauline break out in spots.压力大、缺乏休息和吃太多的油腻食物使保利娜长粉刺了。The host has several guest spots lined up tonight.节目主持人今晚安排了几个嘉宾出场。There are wet spots on the floor.地板上有些水渍。Targeting the opponent's weak spots is a typical technique in politics.攻击对手的弱点是政治斗争中的典型技巧。We were wiping the spots from the wine glasses.我们在擦酒杯上的污渍。This silk scarf spots easily.这块丝绸围巾容易沾上污渍。She has an unerring instinct for people's weak spots.她能准确地把握他人的弱点。Patterns like stripes or spots can help to camouflage an animal.条纹和斑点一类的图案可以帮助动物伪装自己。




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