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词汇 split
例句 The left wing of the party is likely to split from its parent organization.该党的左翼人士有可能从原组织脱离出去。The committee soon split into factions.这个委员会很快分成了不同的派系。The childcare issue has split the employers' group.儿童保育问题使雇主们产生了分歧。The donors can be split – a little crudely – into two groups.捐献者可以大致分为两组。In a severe gale the ship split in two.在一次大风中,船断成了两截。The class split into several small groups.全班分为几个小组。They planned to rob a bank, split the money, and leave the country.他们计划抢劫一家银行,把钱分了,然后逃到境外。They split up after ten years together.他们共同生活十年后分手了。My cuticles were split and ragged, and my nails unevenly bitten.我指甲根部的表皮龟裂粗糙,指甲被咬得参差不齐。They were split on the question of women's rights.他们在女权问题上意见分歧。The fishing rod is made of split bamboo.这钓鱼竿是用劈开的竹子做的。The ship hit a rock and split in two.轮船触礁后,断裂成了两截。He split the company in half, and then sold both new companies to different buyers.他把公司一分为二,然后把两家新的公司分别卖给不同的买家。All the older kids have split to go dancing.所有的大小孩都开溜跳舞去了。I split up with my last boyfriend three years ago.三年前我和前任男友分手。Yet it is feared the Republican leadership could split over the agreement.但有人担心,共和党的领导层可能会在该协议上出现意见分歧。They divided/split the expenses fifty-fifty. 他们均摊了费用。The branch split under their weight.树枝受到重压断裂了。Whatever their views about religion they can split their science from their belief.无论持什么宗教观,他们总能把科学和信仰区分开来。There is great danger of a split in the party if a competent leader is not found soon.如果不快点找到一位称职的领导,党内将很有可能出现分化的危险。They split up after years of marriage.他们俩结婚多年之后分手了。When heavy atoms are split in this way some loss of mass occurs.当重原子这样被分裂的时候,就会发生质量的减少。For a split second the two men hesitated.那两个人犹豫了片刻。It produced a three-way split in Parliament.它将议会分成了三派。Did the two of you split up in the woods?.你们俩是在树林里分开的吗?I mended a split in my trousers.我缝补裤上的一条裂缝。She split the muffin and gave me half.她把松饼掰开,给了我一半。The profit will be split three ways.利润将分成三份。He said that the land should be split between his four sons.他说应该把土地平分给他的四个儿子。This situation has split the family up.这种情况将这一家人拆散了。There was an irremediable split between the two sides of the family.那个家族的两派之间有着无法调节的分歧。They agreed to split the bill down the middle.他们同意均摊费用。Families were often split up during the war.在战争期间,家庭常变得四分五裂。There are plans to split the corporation into a number of smaller independent companies.有计划要把大企业分割成一些独立的小公司。He would never split on his chums.他决不会告发好友。If the conservatives are not removed, then the party will almost certainly split down the middle.如果不除掉保守势力,那么这个党几乎肯定会分裂成两派。The country was split by sectarianism.国家因宗派主义而分裂。We split the work half and half.我们把工作对半分。These shoes are so old the canvas had split.这双鞋旧得帆布面都破了。In a publishing deal, the average split used to be 50:50 between writer and publisher.出版一本书,作者和出版商之间一般都是五五分成。




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