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例句 She believes that someday people will be able to vote at home on their computers.她相信有朝一日人们将可以在家里用电脑进行投票选举。He believes the firm support of domestic opinion will strengthen his hand at the UN.他认为国内舆论的坚定支持会使得他在联合国的地位更加巩固。She believes that all people have a moral obligation to defend human rights.她认为所有人都有道义上的责任去捍卫人权。He believes that too many defendants are escaping conviction by claiming that they are insane.他认为有很多被告通过声称精神失常而逃脱定罪。He believes he has the right to sit back while others do the hard work.他认为别人在干重活时他有权利休息。He believes that moderate drinking is healthy.他认为适度饮酒有益健康。Lea Anderson is a choreographer who believes in making dance accessible.作为一个舞蹈编导,利•安德森认为应该使舞蹈通俗易懂。He believes in the primacy of the family over the state.他认为家庭重于国家。She honestly believes that she has been mistreated.她确实认为自己被虐待了。She believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell.她相信好人死后上天堂,坏人下地狱。The detective believes the missing gun is the key to the mystery.那侦探认为那把丢失的枪是侦破这宗疑案的线索。He believes the UK's enterprise culture has been stymied by unnecessary strictures on business.他认为英国的企业文化因为对公司的一些不必要的限制而受到阻碍。She believes in speaking her mind, which makes her very unpopular.她喜欢有话直说,这使她很不受人欢迎。He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion.他信奉无神论就像信仰一种新的宗教。She believes the noises are made by ghosts, but I think there's a more prosaic explanation.她认为这些声音是鬼魂发出的,但我觉得还有比这更无聊的解释。He believes terrorism undermines the very foundations of our society.他认为恐怖主义毁坏了我们的社会基础。She believes in travelling light, having no encumbrances, and being free to move anywhere at any moment.她赞成过简单的生活,没有负担,随时往哪儿搬都行。She believes that the moral fiber of our society is decaying.她认为我们社会的道德力量在减弱。He believes that housing prices should be determined by the market without government interference.他认为房价应由市场决定,政府不能干预。She believes she will meet her ancestors in the afterlife.她相信她死后会遇到自己的先人。He believes that all people are basically evil.他认为人性本恶。She really believes you should never speak ill of the dead.她的确认为绝不该说死人的坏话。The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are frivolous projects.这一团体称希望政客们不要把公众的钱浪费在在其看来毫无意义的项目上。She believes that helping people produces good karma.她相信助人为乐有善报。He believes the government already is lenient with drug traffickers.他认为政府对毒贩已经很宽容了。He believes that such legislation would threaten the fabric of our society.他认为这样的立法将危及我们的社会结构。He believes he may have found the answer to his problem.他认为他可能已经找到了问题的答案。She believes that humanity is in need of redemption.她认为人类需要救赎。She believes there is some good in everyone.她相信每个人都有好的一面。Not everyone believes the government is being truthful.并非每个人都相信政府是诚实的。He believes that some people are predisposed to/toward criminal behavior.他认为有些人容易犯罪。He clearly believes that India should have de-valued its currency.他显然认为印度应将其货币贬值。The biographer believes that flaws in Kennedy's character weakened his leadership of the nation.这位传记作家相信肯尼迪性格上的缺点削弱了他对国家的领导。She believes in the benefits of both orthodox medicine and alternative medicine.正统医学和非传统医学的好处她都相信。The former believes in visions, the latter in materialities.前者相信梦幻,而后者则相信物质的实有。The board illogically believes that only someone with inside experience of the company can solve its problems.董事会认为,只有在公司干过的人才能解决公司的问题,真是荒谬。He believes that unemployment lies at the root of the problem.他相信失业是这个问题的原因。Like more and more women, she believes marriage would cramp her style.像越来越多的女性一样,她认为婚姻会对她形成束缚。He believes in taxing the rich to give to the poor.他认为应该对富人征税来救助穷人。He believes his job is secure.他认为自己的工作很稳当。




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