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词汇 spit
例句 The chickens are roasted on a spit.鸡肉放在烤肉叉上烤着。He was so mad that he could spit nails.他火得不得了,什么话都说得出来。The nurse told the child to spit out the stone.褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。He gargled the salt water, then spit it out.他用盐水含漱,然后再吐出来。She really is the dead spit of her sister.她和她姐姐简直一模一样。It was Christmas, so Ellen gave the dining room a little extra spit and polish.圣诞节到了,埃伦把饭厅再仔细地打扫了一下。Sam is the dead spit of his dad.萨姆长得和他爸爸一模一样。Come on, spit it out, who told you about this?说吧,爽快点,是谁告诉你这事的?I expected him to spit tacks over the injustice.我料想他会为这种不公平现象气得吐血。The cat gave a spit.猫发出咕噜咕噜的声音。They cross their fingers and spit over their shoulders as charms against the evil eye.他们交叉手指,向身后吐唾沫,作为对付邪恶之眼的魔法。A lot of babies spit up after feeding.许多婴儿会在进食后会溢奶。The baby spit up all over my blouse.那个婴儿吐了我一身。She spit out her gum before class.上课之前,她把口香糖吐了出来。She spit a wad of gum into the trash.她把一团口香糖吐进了垃圾箱。A little spit of snow was falling.下了一阵小雪。It is common for an infant to spit up a little milk after being fed.婴儿在喂奶后,回呕出一点儿奶是常有的事。She saw him spit on the sidewalk.她看到他在人行道上吐痰。It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk.在人行道上吐痰是不文雅的。Mary's spit flew as she shouted.玛丽喊叫时唾沫四溅。The sausage began to spit in the pan.锅里香肠开始滋滋作响。I thought he was going to spit blood when he saw what had happened.我原以为等他看到发生了什么事时,一定会破口大骂的。I'm so angry, I could spit nails!我太生气了,什么话可都说得出来!He took a taste of the soup and quickly spat/spit it out.他尝了一口汤,立刻吐了出来。Then did they spit in his face and buffet him.他们后来确实往他脸上吐了唾沫并狠狠地揍了他一顿。She looks the spit of my aunt.她看上去和我姑妈长得一模一样。Everyone says he's the spit of his dad.大家都说他和他爸爸长得一模一样。You may cough or spit up some blood.你可能会咳嗽,或者吐点血。She roasted the meat on a spit.她用烤肉叉子烤肉。We could well do without so much spit and polish as part of our daily routine.我们在日常生活中不花那么多工夫讲究整洁打扮也完全能行。All the car needs is some spit and polish.这辆车需要的只是一些精心擦洗。He spit/spat in my face.他往我脸上吐口水。What are you trying to say? Come on, spit it out.你想要说什么? 快说,爽快点。She spit into the little tray of mascara and brushed it on her lashes.她朝一小盒睫毛膏里吐了点唾沫,然后蘸了一点刷到自己的睫毛上。I wiped the spit off the baby's chin.我擦掉了宝宝下巴上的口水。I don't give a spit about you.我认为你什么也不是。Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit.候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。She used a little spit on a tissue to wipe the mirror clean.她在纸巾上吐了点唾沫,把镜子擦拭干净。She wiped the spit-up off the baby's chin.她擦掉了宝宝下巴上的呕吐物。It's only a spit away from here.它距此地仅一步之遥。




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