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词汇 spiritual
例句 She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.她追求精神上的满足,完全生活在一个诗歌和想象的世界里。Karekin is the spiritual leader of more than 6 million Armenians worldwide.卡雷金是全世界六百多万亚美尼亚人的精神领袖。She has some interesting reflections about the spiritual state of the country.她对这个国家的精神状态有些值得思考的见解。His philosophy is a fusion of intellect and spiritual belief.他的哲学融合了理智和灵性的信仰。The music had an almost spiritual quality.这支乐曲几乎已具有了精神意义。He uses meditation to reach a higher spiritual plane.他通过冥想以达到更高的精神境界。The Romantic composers saw Beethoven as a spiritual ancestor.浪漫派的作曲家将贝多芬视为精神祖先。She's a New Ager who writes spiritual self-help books.她是撰写精神自助书籍的新时代潮人。Is it the role of schools to foster spiritual values?培养学生的精神观念是学校的责任吗?Islam was inspired by the teachings of the spiritual leader Mohammed.伊斯兰教是受宗教领袖穆罕默德的教义影响产生的。Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.肯定会有办法安排好我们忙碌的生活,使我们能够在过得舒适同时也可以达到内心的平静。The pope said that providence had chosen him to proclaim the spiritual unity of Europe.这位教皇声称上天选择了他来昭示欧洲的精神统一。The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.之后关于精神挣扎的叙述有一种令人心生卑微之感的神秘力量。Crass materialism causes people to forget spiritual values.俗不可耐的物质至上主义使人们忘记精神范畴各种有价值的东西。The development of her poetry reflects her inner spiritual journey.她的诗歌创作过程反映了她的心路历程。He is dead to the world but resurrected to the spiritual life.他人是死了,但精神不死。Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.总会有办法能安排好我们忙碌的生活,这样就能过得舒服一点,同时还能达到内心的平静。Brazil is the spiritual home of football.巴西是足球的精神家园。Messiaen focused on various episodes in the life of St Francis, especially his search for spiritual grace.梅西安着重关注圣方济各一生中的种种经历,尤其是他对精神上感受恩典的追求。The spiritual healer fell/went into a trance.心灵治疗师进入催眠状态。We went on a corporate/spiritual retreat.我们进行了一次全体/心灵的静修。The spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam.宗教领袖指责该书亵渎了伊斯兰教。The first Slav pope, John Paul, said that providence had chosen him to proclaim the spiritual unity of Europe.第一位斯拉夫教皇约翰·保罗声称上天选择了他来昭示欧洲的精神统一。France will always be the spiritual home of wine lovers.法国永远是美酒爱好者的精神家园。Many of the poor acknowledged him as their spiritual leader.许多穷苦人承认他是他们的精神领袖。He felt the design lacked a spiritual dimension.他觉得这个设计缺乏精神维度。The monarch looks to the archbishop for spiritual direction.君主向大主教寻求精神上的指引。Dickinson was very spiritual but not conventionally religious.迪金森富有灵性,但不是传统意义上的信教。Works of art often have a spiritual dimension.艺术作品常有精神层面的意义。The girl has her own spiritual essence.这个女孩具有独特的精神气质。The spiritual life is more important than material possessions.精神生活比物质财富更重要。He found spiritual meaning through religion.他通过宗教找到了精神的价值。He is Brecht's spiritual descendant.他是布莱希特的精神传人。A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance.一位身着牧师袍服的男子进行了宗教布道。People with a strong spiritual or philosophical belief system are more likely to remain healthy.具有坚定的精神或哲学信仰体系的人更有可能保持身体健康。She came seeking spiritual guidance.她来寻求精神上的引导。She goes on a spiritual retreat for two weeks every summer.她每年夏天都去心灵静修两个星期。I'm working on my spiritual growth/development. 我正努力使自己实现心灵的成长。Their stories were powerful accounts of spiritual Odysseys.他们的故事是精神探索的有力描述。The last sacrament represents the final step in Christ's spiritual journey.最后一项圣事象征着基督精神之旅的最后一程。




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