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词汇 spillage
例句 The oil spillage has polluted the harbour.石油泄漏污染了港口。The oil spillage fouled several miles of beaches.溢出的石油污染了几英里的海滩。The food dishes should have high sides to prevent spillage.食盆的边宜高出,以免所盛物溢出。Large numbers of seabirds have been killed by pollution following the oil spillage.漏油事故所造成的污染导致大批海鸟死亡。The oil spillage in the Gulf was of such magnitude that its effects will last for decades.波斯湾的漏油事故非常严重,其影响将持续数十年。At her feet were a spillage of papers.她的脚旁有一些散落的文件。The design of this travel mug helps prevent/reduce/avoid spillage.这款旅行杯的设计能防止/减少/避免溢出。The exercise successfully tested the procedures for dealing with a serious oil spillage.演练成功地检验了严重溢油事件的处理程序。




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