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词汇 spiky
例句 Their rivalry is vicious and makes for an enjoyably spiky comedy.他们之间的竞争非常激烈,成了一出有趣的尖刻喜剧。Some corals are quite smooth, others are sharp and spiky.有些珊瑚很光滑,有些则是锋利多刺。He has a spiky personality.他是个易怒的人。He had a leather jacket and short, spiky hair.他穿了一件皮夹克,短短的头发尖尖地竖着。His cheeky chappy image is reinforced by the spiky hair and the wide grin.他那直立的头发和咧着嘴的笑容使他更像个厚脸皮的家伙。He had spiky, light brown hair, shaved at the sides and gelled on top.他浅褐色的头发一簇簇地直立着,剃去两鬓,头顶上打了发胶。Her short spiky hair is damp with sweat.她的刺头被汗打湿了。The world champion has a trendy new image with a fashionable spiky haircut.这位世界冠军剪了一个时尚的刺头,有了一个时髦的新形象。He has short, spiky hair.他留着短短的刺猬头。




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