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词汇 spent
例句 My year was really spent doing a lot of soul-searching and trying to find out what had gone wrong in my life.这一年来,我真的进行了许多深刻的反思,努力地找出自己的生活中到底哪里出了问题。Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.放射性废物就是用后的燃料。I spent the better part of a day on the phone.我花了大半天时间打电话。He spent his weekend in blessed freedom.他轻松愉快地过了个周末。Wilson spent his childhood on a farm in Ireland.威尔逊的童年是在爱尔兰的一个农场里度过的。I'll have to account for the money I spent.我得说明那些钱我是怎么花的。When we moved in, we spent a whole day washing all the floors and paintwork.我们搬进去时,花了一整天时间清洗所有的地板和漆面。We spent the weekend grouting the bathroom.我们花了一个周末的时间给浴室的瓷砖勾缝。Alice had to figure out how to pay the rent after Ralph spent the money on another of his hare-brained schemes.拉尔夫又想出一个愚蠢的计划把钱花掉了,爱丽丝只得动脑筋,想想如何付房租。We spent the evening chatting about this, that, and the other.我们一晚上聊了各种各样的事情。I spent over two hours filling in the application form.我花了两个多小时填写申请表。She spent hours rehearsing her part.她花了几个小时排练自己的角色。We spent the morning picking up the yard after the storm.暴风雨过后我们花了一上午时间清理院子。Many mental illnesses are only recognizable after many careful weeks spent talking to the patient.许多精神疾病要花上许多个星期与病人细心交谈才能辨别出来。She spent the whole summer in dolce far niente.她悠闲地度过了整个夏天。The men spent their evenings on the porch, shooting the breeze.男人们晚上坐在门廊上闲聊。He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon.他花了许多年时间学习外科医生的技能。The Government has spent £1 million on putting its case to the public.政府花了一百万英镑把它的想法传达给民众。The poor man spent ten years of his life slaving away to pay back the money they had borrowed.那个可怜的男人花了十年时间拼命赚钱还债。She spent hours practising the breast stroke.她花了数小时练习蛙泳。He spent most of his childhood in Egypt.他童年大部分时间在埃及度过。The children spent most of the morning playing in the sand.孩子们上午大部分时间都在沙地上玩。He spent twenty years in the Merchant Navy.他在商船上工作了二十年。He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.他一生中的大部分时间都在他母亲、父亲及各种各样的寄养家庭之间辗转度过。Why do you keep those spent matches?那些擦过的火柴你还留著干什么? Most of the night was spent slogging away at the report.大半个晚上都用来埋头写报告了。He spent the day with friends, just messing about.他一整天只是和朋友在一起闲逛。I spent the evening slumped in front of the TV.我整个晚上都慵懒地坐在电视机前。She spent the evening reading in her/the study.她晚上在书房读书。We spent the day at the beach.我们在海滩度过了一天。There have been some differences of opinion as to exactly how the money should be spent.在这笔钱究竟该怎么花的问题上存在一些轻微的分歧。He and his dad spent the weekend together for some male bonding.他和爸爸共度周末以建立男人间的情谊。The money spent on prisons could be better spent on training first-time law-breakers to earn an honest living.与其把钱花在监狱上,还不如用来培训初次犯罪者学习正当谋生的技能。Police have spent the day sifting through the debris for clues.警方花了一整天在废墟中查找线索。His grandfather was a drifter from New Mexico, who spent half his life brawling and drinking.他的祖父是从新墨西哥州来的游民,大半生都在斗殴和酗酒。We spent Christmas abroad last year.我们去年在国外过的圣诞节。He was fluent in French, having spent stretches of time in Southern France.他曾在法国南部呆过一段时间,法语流利。We spent the afternoon fishing for trout.我们一个下午都在钓鳟鱼。They spent a couple of hours walking through the mall. 他们花了几个钟头逛遍了那家商场。They've spent quite a bit of time hashing over the problem.他们花了相当多的时间讨论那个问题。




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