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词汇 Belgium
例句 I'd like to do a tour of Belgium on foot.我想徒步游览比利时。Ernst had been selected to play in the game against Belgium.欧内斯特入选参加对比利时的比赛。He emigrated to Belgium.他移民到比利时。The European Union's rotating presidency passed from Sweden to Belgium.欧盟轮值主席国由瑞典换成了比利时。A very virulent form of the disease appeared in Belgium.比利时出现了这种疾病的一种极其危险的变体。We stayed in Belgium for a few days.我们在比利时待了几天。Europe's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium.欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。There was a great deal of speculation about a possible merger involving Belgium's largest banks.对涉及比利时最大型银行的一项可能的合并有许多猜测。In Belgium only qualified doctors may practise alternative medicine.在比利时只有资质合格的医生才能从事非传统医学工作。The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium, Spain, and Germany.该公司已在比利时、西班牙和德国设立了合资付费电视频道。Belgium and Italy are playing in tonight's qualifier.比利时队和意大利队将在今晚的预赛中相遇。Belgium granted asylum to the political refugees.比利时给予政治难民避难权。After the Second World War, Belgium wanted a guarantee that it would not be invaded again.第二次世界大战后,比利时想得到不再被入侵的保证。He was saving his energy for next week's race in Belgium.他正为下周在比利时的比赛养精蓄锐。The win sets us up perfectly for the match in Belgium.这场胜利为我们在比利时的比赛鼓足了劲儿。Some companies in Belgium and France had paid bribes for the award of contracts.比利时和法国的一些公司为争取合同提供贿赂。Belgium has two official languages.比利时有两种官方语言。He founded a monastic order in Belgium.他在比利时创立了修道会。Lille is close to the frontier between France and Belgium.里尔靠近法比边境。I dreamed I was in Belgium.我梦见自己在比利时。The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。Baguet's success staked his claim for a place in Belgium's world championship team.巴古埃特的成功使他有资格成为比利时世界锦标赛参赛队伍中的一员。




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