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词汇 speeches
例句 The candidates have been sniping at each other in speeches.几位候选人在演讲中一直互相攻击。The minister is well known for making gaffes in his speeches.部长演说时会失言,这是人尽皆知的事。His son was praised for speeches of remarkable fluency.他儿子因为发言流畅自然而得到了表扬。I dislike actors who mouth their speeches.我不喜欢念台词装腔作势的演员。 She's been giving speeches all over the state to whip up support for her campaign.她一直在全州到处演讲以激起人们支持她的竞选活动。Without a teleprompter, his speeches are long and rambling.他演说的时候没有用电子提词机,又长又啰唆。Most of the speeches on D-Day will focus on the sacrifice of the World War II generation.关于进攻开始日那天的演讲大部分聚焦于第二次世界大战那一代人的牺牲。The speeches were full of nationalist sentiments.这些演说充满了民族主义的情绪。She's responsible for writing the President's political speeches.她负责撰写总统的政治演讲稿。His speeches are always full of old chestnuts.他的演讲一向充满著过时的笑话。They have made the English language a gallimaufry of all other speeches.他们已使英语成为各种语言的大杂烩。The leaders of the demonstration made speeches demanding greater political freedom.示威游行的领导者发表演说要求更多的政治自由权。The room cleared quickly after the final speeches.最后几场演讲结束后,房间很快就空了出来。He spends his time making speeches at factories or gatherings of the Party faithful.他把时间都花到在工厂或党的忠实追随者的集会上发表演说上面了。His hate-filled speeches make my blood boil! 他充满仇恨的演说使我怒火中烧。I'm not much good at making speeches, but anyway here goes.我不善于演讲,但不管怎样我这就试试看。An actor who mouths his speeches is a poor actor.念台词装腔作势的演员是拙劣的演员。First came the student speeches, and the presentation of awards followed.首先是学生发言,随后是颁奖。I like to use the joke as a tone-setter for my speeches. 我喜欢用那个笑话给我的演讲定下基调。I rarely bother to listen to politicians' speeches - it's all just wind.几乎从不费神去听政治家的演讲——都是废话。He grew bored by the sameness of the speeches.这些千篇一律的演讲让他心生厌烦。The chairman declared the discussion closed and allowed no further speeches.主席宣布讨论结束,发言也就此结束。Official speeches in recent days have been larded with promises of democracy.近日官方在讲话中满口对民主的承诺。The President switched from set speeches to a question-and-answer format.总统从事先准备好讲稿的演说转向一问一答的形式。The dinner was a riotous affair enlivened by superbly witty speeches.宴会因为一些非常诙谐的讲话而气氛活跃,热闹非凡。I wasn't the least bit interested in all the speeches I had to sit through.我对这些非听完不可的一场场演讲毫无兴趣。I never liked to give speeches. I was not an upfront guy.我从来不喜欢演讲。我不是一个管事的人。The British Women's Movement, such as it is these days, came up with a programme of speeches at the House of Commons.如今波澜不惊的英国妇女运动提出要在下议院发表演讲的计划。One of the occupational hazards of going to the openings of exhibitions is suffering the speeches.去参加展览开幕式必然会有的痛苦之一就是受演讲的折磨。Let's see if we can escape before the speeches start.我们想想办法,看能不能在演讲开始之前溜出去。Political candidates are trying to build themselves up with public speeches and TV commercials.各位政治候选人正努力通过公共演讲和电视广告吹捧自己。It's exciting to think that so many great men and women have made speeches on this spot.想到那么多伟人曾在此地发表过演说,真让人激动。These speeches form the spine of his election campaign.这些演讲构成了他竞选活动的主干。His long speeches often underwhelm his audiences.长篇大论的讲话常常使他的听众感到腻味。There's nothing worse than watching a bunch of luvvies giving speeches at some awful awards ceremony.最没意思的莫过于看一帮虚情假意的演员在什么无聊的颁奖仪式上致辞。I had recovered sufficiently by the end of the week to give two more speeches.那个星期结束时我已恢复得很好,完全可以作两个演讲。The speeches he makes to his supporters won't win him any more votes. He's just preaching to the choir.向支持者们做演讲不会为他赢得更多选票。他只是表达他们共同的观点。The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.总统的讲话通常会被一字不差地刊登在国有报纸上。Reading over his past speeches, you'll see that housing, public health and education feature strongly.看看他过去的演说词,你会发现住房、公共卫生和教育占有重要地位。He was already well practiced in giving acceptance speeches.他发表获奖感言已经很老练了。




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