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词汇 speech
例句 He had to shorten the speech.他不得不缩短演讲的时间。His speech rang hollow.他的发言听上去很空洞。I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.我认为她的话里有点儿不祥的意味。His speech was a great piece of political theatre.他的讲演是一出杰出的政治剧。The audience raised a cheer at the end of the speech.演讲结束时观众发出一片欢呼。He walked towards the platform to begin his speech.他走向讲坛,开始演讲。There were smiles all round as he stood up to make his speech.他站起身来讲话时,大家脸上都挂着笑容。This will be the president's most important speech yet.这将是总统迄今最重要的演讲。Dutiful applause greeted his speech.他的讲话被报以恭敬的掌声。The speech reads well. 这篇发言稿写得好。The professor's speech held our attention.那位教授的讲演使我们听得入神。The pause in speech is by no means of random occurrence.言谈中的停顿决不是随机发生的。His speech was inarticulate and it was obvious he had been drinking.他讲话口齿不清,很明显他喝酒了。Articulate speech is essential for a teacher.对教师来说,口齿清楚是必不可少的。The whole school met to hear the speech.全校师生集合听演讲。He said they were fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and freedom from want.他说他们在为言论自由而战,为信仰自由而战,为远离贫困而战。He spelled out the government's plans in his speech.他在演说中把政府的计划详加说明。I waited for some speech that would indicate his true feelings.我期待一些能表明他真实情感的话语。No one was sure if he could handle the pressure of making a speech, but he rose to the occasion and did an excellent job.谁也不知道他能否应付演讲压力,但他勇于迎接挑战并出色完成了任务。Freedom of speech is the privilege of the House as a whole and not the individual member in his own right.言论自由是下议院作为一个整体而享有的权利,而不是某个议员个人的特权。Angry journalists accused the government of censorship of free speech.愤怒的新闻记者谴责政府对自由言论实施审查。He did a dry run of his speech in front of a mirror.他对着镜子试讲。I just completed a rough draft of my speech.我刚完成演讲的初稿。The crowd erupted in applause when she finished her speech.她结束演讲时,观众席掌声雷动。The president's speech was greeted by sustained applause.总统的演讲博得了经久不息的掌声。The speech was very much what everyone expected.那次演讲不负众望。The speech was full of bland generalities.讲话内容泛泛,平淡无趣。The speech was greeted with a collective yawn from the press gallery.记者席上的人对这次演讲全都不感兴趣。I don't like the tone of his speech.我不喜欢他说话的腔调。He is deliberate in his speech.他说话从容不迫。When Sir George finished his speech there was a moment's silence.乔治爵士演说完了之后,出现了片刻的静默。He had speech therapy for his stuttering.为治疗口吃,他接受了语言障碍矫治。Her speech was punctuated by frequent applause.她的演讲频繁被掌声打断。Freedom of speech is a civil liberty.言论自由是一项公民自由。He delivered his final speech to Congress.他向国会作了最终发言。The student recited the speech parrot-fashion and could not answer any questions about it.那名学生鹦鹉学舌般地背诵演讲稿,回答不了有关演讲内容的任何问题。The President's speech was an effective apology for his foreign policy.总统的演说是对其外交政策的有力辩护。Lord Fraser's speech offers much food for thought.弗雷泽勋爵的讲演发人深省。He spent most of his speech rebutting criticisms of his foreign policy.他讲演的大部分时间都在反驳对他外交政策的批评。I'd like to end my speech by thanking the people who made this conference possible.在我讲话的最后,我想感谢促成此次大会召开的所有人。




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