例句 |
Factory chimneys belched dense white smoke into the sky.工厂的烟囱向空中喷吐出浓浓的白烟。Vast quantities of smoke belched out from the volcano.这座火山喷射出滚滚浓烟。Flames belched from the wreckage.烈焰从残骸中蹿出来。Black smoke belched from the plane.黑烟从那架飞机中喷吐出来。The distant chimneys of Amsterdam belched out fumes.远处阿姆斯特丹的烟囱冒出了烟雾。Smoke belched from the factory chimneys beside the river.河边那家工厂的烟囱里冒出滚滚浓烟。The baby drank his milk and belched.宝宝喝完牛奶打了嗝。Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.加兰用手挡住嘴,小心地打了个嗝。A truck stalled and belched black smoke.一辆卡车抛锚了,吐着黑烟。 |