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词汇 speaking
例句 He has a very theatrical style of speaking.他说话非常夸张。Maria inhaled deeply before speaking again.玛丽亚在再次讲话前深深地吸了口气。His retirement was, in a manner of speaking, the beginning of his real career.他的退休,从某种意义上讲,是他真正事业的开始。She was acclaimed for speaking out against injustice.她因为大胆抨击不公现象而受到赞扬。He was speaking poor English, trying to make himself understood.他的英语说得很差,努力想让别人明白他的意思。She acts as if even speaking to us is beneath her.她的样子好像和我们说句话都有失身份。I'm sure he's speaking the truth.我相信他讲的是真话。It's refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense.听到有人说话通情达理真是令人耳目一新。The media has been speaking in glowing terms of the relationship between the two countries.媒体一直在盛赞两国之间的关系。He combined a formidable intellect with a talent for speaking.他不但智力超群,而且口才出众。Relatively speaking, it's a fairly poor country.相对而言,这是个很贫穷的国家。I'm speaking for everyone here when I say how very grateful we are.我代表这里所有人表达我们的由衷感谢。Public speaking does not come easily to most people.对大多数人来讲,演讲不是件容易的事。They had their morning coffee in the ordinary way, reading the paper and not speaking until they were finished.他们如往常一样喝早间咖啡,看报,之后才开口说话。You can avoid confusion by speaking clearly.你说得清楚些,这样可以避免误解。She's been offered several speaking engagements.她有几次演讲活动。Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability.在巴黎不会说法语真是个缺陷。Her extraordinary intelligence and speaking ability made her a political heavyweight.她出众的智慧和口才使她成为政界的重量级人物。I think, strictly speaking, you are wrong there.我认为,严格地讲,你在那一点上是错了。Try to avoid shouting or speaking unnaturally.尽量不要高声喧哗或是不自然地讲话。He went on speaking without adverting to the interruption.他不顾打扰继续往下说。She may face retaliation for speaking out.由于直言,她可能会遭到报复。I am speaking figuratively, of course.当然,我只是打个比方。I love speaking to a large audience. I get a real kick out of it.我喜欢对着一大群的听众讲话,我从中得到真正的乐趣。She was speaking from notes.她按照笔记的内容发言。Truthfully speaking, there is no such thing as an elixir in the medical world.真实地说,医学上并没有灵丹妙药这回事。The group has been given training in public speaking and assertiveness.该小组接受了公开演讲和自信心培训。This is your Captain speaking. We are due to take off in five minutes.我是机长。我们五分钟后就要起飞了。The villages just over the border are mainly German-speaking.一越过边界,那些村庄就主要说德语了。He stopped speaking, struck by a sudden thought.他突然产生了一个想法,便停止了讲话。Superintendent Fairbairn was still clucking at the photographers, warning them he'd be speaking to their editor.费尔贝恩警长还在表达对摄影师们的不满,警告说他会和他们的主编谈谈。How does one entitle the queen when speaking directly to her?直接跟女王讲话时该如何称呼她?He was speaking without inflection or expression.他用缺少抑扬变化的声调毫无表情地讲着话。They walked behind, in step, but without speaking to each other.他们在后面走,步调一致,可是谁都不跟对方说话。Her mouth was working away all the time he was speaking, I think she was trying not to laugh.在他讲话时她的嘴一直在抽动,我想她是在拼命忍着不笑出来。She paused for effect, then carried on speaking.为了吸引注意力她停顿了一下,然后继续演讲。He was not on speaking terms with his brother or sisters.他和兄弟姐妹互不说话。We have all had a shaky hand and a dry mouth before speaking in public.当众发言前,我们全都手脚发抖,嘴巴发干。We're just speaking hypothetically.我们只是在假设。They haven't been on speaking terms since they had that big row.他们自从那次激烈争吵之后还没有说过话。




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