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词汇 so many
例句 With so many products on the market, it was easy to become confused about what to buy.市场上有那么多的产品,很容易搞不清楚要买什么。Ah, so many questions, so little time.啊,这么多的问题,这么少的时间。The company had suffered so many disasters that some employees feared a jinx.公司遭受了这么多的灾难,有些员工担心遇上了霉运。I have never seen so many geese on one pond before.我从没见过一个池塘里能有这么多鹅。Seeing her again would be an upsetting experience after so many years.时隔这么多年再见到她将是一次令人不快的经历。There were so many people they were spilling out into the street.人多得涌到了街上。Tim finds it hard to keep his nose to the grindstone when university life offers so many distractions.大学生活里有那么多东西分心,蒂姆觉得很难安下心来努力学习。Now that he's gone, I'm left with so many loose ends.他走了,留给我这么多尚未完成的事。It's a scandal that there are so many unoccupied buildings in this city, and so many homeless people.这座城市一边空着这么多大楼,一边又有这么多人无家可归,这真是说不过去。I am not lonely, having so many soul mates around.有那么多知音在周围,我不感到孤独。More care would insure you against making so many mistakes.多加注意就能保证你不犯这么多的错误了。The assortment of so many letters would take a long time.把这么多的信件分类需要很长的时间。He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years.许多年来他一直保持著收集旧历书的嗜好。There were so many people that some of us had to bed down in the living room.我们人太多了,有些人得睡在客厅里了。Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas.波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所取代。We had to remove the advertisement because so many people complained.因为有许多人不满,所以我们不得不撤下该广告。Abdominal muscles are used in so many sports, often one-sidedly, as in javelin, golf and hockey.很多运动项目都需大量地使用腹肌,而且常常是单侧腹肌,如标枪、高尔夫球和曲棍球。Faced with so many difficulties, she wilted.面对那么多的困难,她退缩不前了。What gets me is the attitude of so many of the people.让我恼怒的是这么多人都是这样的态度。He earned so many air miles that year that he was able to fly to New York for Christmas.他那年积攒了非常多的飞行里程,足够飞到纽约过圣诞节。The nag has been with John for so many years that it is hard for him to part from it.这匹老马跟随约翰这么多年了,约翰很难与它分离。I saw so many people overcrowding in the room than I expected.我看到房间里的人挤得满满的,比我想像的还要多。I always have so many things to attend to when I come into the office after a trip abroad.我每次从国外旅行回来,一到办公室就会有一大堆的事情需要处理。With so many new offices being built in London, a lot of important archaeological remains are under threat.伦敦要兴建那么多新的办公场所,大量的重要考古遗迹都受到了威胁。She again demonstrated the qualities for which she is admired by so many people.她再次展示了她那令众人佩服的品质。We can only accommodate so many.我们只能接待这么多人。Like so many artists of his generation, he was critical of mechanical reproduction.像同时代的许多艺术家一样,他对机械复制持批评态度。She said it so many times that she came to believe it.这件事她说了太多遍,以至自己都开始相信了。He has invited me to dinner so many times,and I must reciprocate.他请我吃了很多次饭,我必须回请才是。The election of so many Republicans to Congress has changed the balance of power in Washington.这么多的共和党成员入选国会改变了华盛顿的力量均势。Any attempt to apportion blame so many years after the incident is pointless.事情发生这么多年之后,任何试图评论谁是谁非的举动都是没有意义的。I could not understand how someone with so many awards could be unknown to me.我想不通自己竟然不认识获了这么多奖的人。There are so many people with guns these days, it's really frightening.如今这么多人拥有枪支,真可怕。Portland has so many theaters to choose from.波特兰有许多剧院可以选择。Thanks are due to all those who worked so hard for so many months.应该感谢多个月来所有辛勤奋战的人们。I've got so many things to do, I don't know where to start.我有那么多事情要做,不知从何着手。She has so many facets to her personality.她的性格具有多面性。He, like so many children, was self-willed and rude.他跟许多别的孩子一样,任性而粗野。There are so many variant spellings of his name.他的名字有很多不同的拼写形式。Like so many people, he's motivated by greed.像许多人一样,他为贪婪所驱使。




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