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词汇 so long
例句 This offer is open to all comers, so long as they own a home.该条件适合于有住宅的所有申请者。It's so long since I spoke German, I'd have to go right back to the beginning if I took a class in it now.我很久没讲德语了,如果我现在上德语课,就得从头学起。She had lain in bed for so long that her shoulder blades had become ulcerated.她长期卧床,肩胛骨都溃烂了。I don't visit very often because it takes so long to get over there.我不常去,因为到那里去要花很长时间。I had a crick in my neck from staring up at the sky so long.抬着头看天好久,我的脖子都僵直了。We don't mind who gets the credit so long as we don't get the blame.谁受到表扬无所谓,只要我们不挨批就好。You may use the book as you like, so long as you keep it clean.你尽管用这本书,只要不把它弄脏就行。I'm sorry this is taking so long.不好意思花了这么长时间。They dallied so long over whether to buy the car that it was sold to Jack.他们对是否买那辆汽车迟疑了很久,结果让杰克给买去了。You can come and see the baby so long as you don't make any noise.你只要不作声就可以来看孩子。She admits that she's been doing the job so long that she's on cruise control. 她承认这份工作她干了很久,现在已是驾轻就熟。They have developed a real camaraderie after working together for so long.一起工作那么久之后,他们建立起了真正的同事情谊。It won't take so long next time, perhaps.也许下次不会需要那么久。I can only listen to her complaints for so long before I start to get angry.她的抱怨我只能听这么一会儿,再多我就要开始发怒了。The opposition party have been in such disorder for so long that they pose no real threat to the present government.反对党长期处于混乱状态,因而不会对现政府构成真正的威胁。It's all so long ago now, it's difficult to believe that any of it really happened.这事离现在已经这么久了,很难相信这事真的发生过。Please accept our apologies for taking so long to deliver the materials you requested.您要的材料我们耽搁多时才予发送,为此请接受我们的道歉。He paused enough to consider the options but never so long as to lose the initiative.他停顿了一会儿权衡自己有哪些选项,但并没有久到丧失主动权。Jacob was silent so long that Livvy interposed.雅各布沉默的时间太长了,莉薇只好插话了。She scolded him for sleeping so long.她训斥他竟然睡了这么久。It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long.你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。I am furious that it has taken so long to uncover what really happened.用了这么长时间才发现到底出了什么事,这让我怒不可遏。They're Russian by birth but they've lived in America for so long that they feel little attachment to their homeland.他们是俄罗斯人,但已经在美国住了很长时间,对故乡的感情很淡了。His feet were aching from standing so long.他站了那么长时间,双脚隐隐作痛。Not so long ago, imported television programmes, like foreign fruit, were exciting exotica in Britain.不久之前,引进的电视节目还像进口水果一样,是令英国人激动的新鲜事物。After dealing for so long with a difficult boss, our new supervisor is a breath of fresh air.在那个喜欢刁难人的老板手下干了这么长时间之后,见到新任主管我们都感觉耳目一新。There was a time not so long ago when everyone felt confident about investing in property.不久前有段时间大家都对地产投资有信心。I don't mind a bit of chaff so long as it is good-humoured.只要是出于善意的玩笑,我是开得起的。After listening to the speech for so long we started to fidget.听了那么长时间演讲以后,我们开始坐不住了。The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision.只要选举在国际监督下进行,总统就不用下台。After so long indoors the bright sunshine hurt Jack's eyes.杰克躲在室内这么长时间才出来,强烈的阳光刺疼了他的眼睛。He thinks it's all right to sleep with the girl so long as he doesn't bang her up.他认为同这姑娘睡觉只要不使她怀孕就没事。It's easy to pick holes in a piece of work so long after its publication.在一部已出版很久的作品中找漏洞是很容易的。My hand was dead after holding the bag for so long.长时间拎包之后,我的手都麻了。I didn't expect him to stay so long.我没有料到他会呆那么久。After working so long,he was quite wrung out.干了很长时间的活儿,他累得精疲力竭。It is an absolute/utter disgrace that the city has ignored the problem for so long.市政府对这个问题忽略了那么长时间,绝对/完全是耻辱。I've been sitting with my legs crossed for so long, my right leg has gone dead.我盘腿坐了很久,结果右腿都麻木了。Being apart from my family for so long has made me realize that I've been taking them for granted.离开家人这么长时间让我认识到自己一直没有珍惜家人。Her dress was so long it dragged on the ground at the back.她的连衣裙太长,后摆在地上拖着。




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