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词汇 soda
例句 He popped the top of a soda can.他啪的一声打开苏打水罐的盖子。She was drinking soda through a straw.她用吸管喝汽水。For a limited time only our store is giving away a free can of soda to each and every one of our customers!我店限时免费赠送每位顾客一罐汽水。May I offer you some refreshment? Our soda fountain is raring to go.我可以给你拿些点心吗? 我们的冷饮小卖部这就营业。I ordered fries and a soda.我点了炸薯条和一杯甜味汽水。The soda sprayed from the bottle.汽水从瓶中喷流出来。You don't need to buy soda for the party. We've already got that covered. 你不用为聚会买汽水,我们已准备好了。The two brands of soda taste the same to me.我感觉这两个牌子的汽水味道相同。Most caustic soda is used in the production of aluminium.大多数苛性钠都被用于生产铝了。Add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.加一茶匙小苏打。The soda foamed in the glass.汽水在玻璃杯中冒泡。Scotch and soda加苏打水的苏格兰威士忌They brought lunch, namely sandwiches, chips, and soda.他们带来了午饭,即三明治、薯条和汽水。Would you like a drop of soda in your whisky?你的威士忌里要加些苏打水吗?He recommends using baking soda as a general household cleaner.他建议用小苏打作一般家用去污剂。Mother used washing soda to get the stains out.妈妈用了洗涤碱来除掉污迹。He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.他是如此暴躁并且易激动,就像一瓶突然喷射的苏打水。Scour the bowl with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.把醋和小苏打混合后擦碗。Vendors were hawking soda and hot dogs.小贩们正在叫卖汽水和热狗。I'll have a soda water.我要一杯苏打水。What is your favorite brand of soda?你最喜欢喝什么牌子的汽水?A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes work wonders.晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。I grabbed a soda from the refrigerator.我从冰箱里拿了瓶汽水。He ordered a whiskey and soda. 他点了一份加苏打水的威士忌。If you return that empty soda can, you'll get back the five-cent deposit you paid when you bought the soda.如果退回空汽水罐,你可拿回买汽水时交的五分押金。He mixed himself a mild Scotch and soda.他给自己调了一杯加苏打水的淡味苏格兰威士忌酒。He bought me a soda pop.他给我买了一杯汽水。Nora was deflowered by a man who worked in a soda-water factory.在汽水厂工作的一个男子夺去了诺拉的童贞。The soda is sold in small, medium, large, and jumbo sizes.汽水按小、中、大和特大杯出售。The soda fizzed.汽水嘶嘶作响。You can't work on soda crackers and sardines.你光吃苏打饼干和沙丁鱼不行。She made a solution of baking soda and water.她做了碳酸氢钠溶液。A talent scout spotted her behind the counter at a soda fountain and the rest is history. 一位星探发现了冷饮柜台后面的她,后来发生的事就众所周知了。You can probably clean that stain with club soda or something. 你可能可以用苏打水或类似的东西去掉那块污渍。Would you like a regular soda or a large?你要普通杯还是大杯的汽水?A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes do wonders.晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。We'll have one large soda and two regulars.我们要一个大杯和两个中杯的汽水。




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