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词汇 soccer
例句 Spain issued an unprecedented apology yesterday over the vile racist soccer chants.西班牙队昨天破天荒头一回就足球赛场上令人反感的种族主义加油口号作出道歉。The Brazilian soccer boss hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley.昨晚巴西足球队主帅因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。He makes a religion of watching soccer.足球比赛他每场必看。He's beginning to look the part on the soccer field.他开始在足球场上崭露头角。The soccer star went on a terrifying six-week cocaine binge.那位足球明星毫无节制地吸食可卡因达六周之久,令人惊骇。They sent their daughter to soccer camp during the summer.夏天时,他们把女儿送进了足球训练营。Hockey and soccer are not that far removed from each other.冰球和足球并非毫不相干。The soccer player showed good control of the ball.这名足球队员展现出良好的控球能力。Next to soccer, I like playing tennis best.我最喜欢踢足球,其次是打网球。Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley.昨晚巴西足球队主帅卡洛斯·佩雷拉因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。Burkoth lettered in soccer.伯考思在足球上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。The national soccer team barnstormed through the country.国家足球队在全国进行了巡回赛。It started raining right after the kickoff of the soccer game.足球赛一开球就开始下雨了。British soccer used to be a spectator sport for all the family.英式足球过去常是全家人都喜爱观看的一项体育运动。She played soccer as an amateur before turning professional.她之前是业余足球运动员,后来转成了职业球员。Argentina's golden generation changed soccer forever.阿根廷的黄金一代永远地改变了足球。Critics claim that many soccer players are overpaid, overrated and out of touch.评论人士称许多足球运动员薪酬过高、评价过高,而且遥不可及。The US team is new to the soccer scene, and can't expect to beat the Brazils of the world.美国队是足球界的新丁,并不指望打败巴西队之类的球队。Our soccer team prevailed despite the bad weather.尽管天气很糟,我们的足球队最终还是获胜了。She spoke animatedly about her son's soccer game.她眉飞色舞地说起了儿子的足球赛。We produced the best soccer of the tournament. Nobody would argue with that.我们成就了联赛最佳球员。这是毋庸置疑的。During the World Cup, there is wall-to-wall soccer coverage on TV.世界杯期间,电视上有关足球的报道铺天盖地。His soccer skills continue to be put to good use in his job as football coach to young hopefuls.他的球技在他给这些希望成为明日之星的年轻人担任教练的过程中继续发挥出很大作用。They have to chauffeur their children to soccer games every week.他们每周都得开车送孩子们去看足球比赛。She tried to join the soccer team, but she couldn't cut the mustard.她想加入足球队,但不符合条件。A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.我的一个朋友在利物浦队踢过球。I have to run the kids to soccer practice.我得开车送这些孩子去练足球。She chipped the soccer ball over the goalie's head.她撮球越过守门员头顶。Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, playing rugby as well as soccer.在学校时马克主要对体育感兴趣,他踢足球,还打橄榄球。Swimming and soccer are fun, but I like dancing most of all.游泳和足球都很有意思,但我最喜欢跳舞。He was wearing a yellow Brazil soccer jersey.他穿着巴西足球队的黄色球衣。The latest big idea is to get women more interested in soccer.最新的大胆想法是让女性对足球产生更大的兴趣。He skillfully dribbled the soccer ball towards the goal.他熟练地把足球运到球门区。The Zambian game is much more aggressive than European soccer.赞比亚的这种运动比欧式足球要激烈得多。He tweaked his ankle playing soccer.他踢足球时扭到了脚踝。Handball in soccer is unlawful, but not illegal.足球中的手球犯规不犯法。Fitness is important in soccer, but of at least equal importance are skills.在足球运动中体质很重要,但技巧也至少同样重要。As an Englishman who'd lived for a long time in France, he felt a certain conflict of allegiances when the two countries played soccer.作为一个在法国生活了很长时间的英国人,当两国足球队比赛时,对于要支持哪一方,他的内心会有一番思想斗争。Riot police with batons charged at soccer fans twice during last night's international with Spain.在昨晚与西班牙队的一场国际比赛中,防暴警察手握警棍两次向球迷冲去。The old man put a veto on soccer in his garden.老人禁止在他的花园里踢足球。




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