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词汇 smothered
例句 The latest violence has smothered any remaining hopes for an early peace agreement.最新的暴力事件扼杀了及早缔结和平协定的仅存希望。They were smothered by the dust after explosion.他们被爆炸后的尘土憋得透不出气来。His budding talents were smothered.他端倪初露的才能遭到了扼杀。Snow soon smothered the last of the blooms.不久大雪便扼杀了最后的花朵。She took a slice of chocolate cake and smothered it in cream.她拿起一块巧克力蛋糕,在上面涂满了奶油。She smothered him with/in kisses. 她狂吻了他一阵。If somebody squeaked, he was quickly smothered and gagged.如果有人告密,马上就被扼杀,从此堵上嘴巴。The wind smothered the houses with dust.大风刮得房屋都蒙上了尘土。The meat was smothered in thick sauce.肉被浇上浓浓的调味汁。As soon as we arrived, we were smothered with invitations.我们一到,频繁的邀请使我们应接不暇。She smothered her son with love/affection. 她过度的宠爱让儿子透不过气来。Intellectual life in France was smothered by the occupation.在被占领期间法国思想界受到了压制。Make sure that your meal won't be smothered with white sauce.千万不要把自己的饭菜上都涂满白汁沙司。The potatoes were smothered in gravy.土豆上面裹了一层厚厚的肉汁。He smothered the flames with a blanket.他用毯子扑灭了火。She smothered the fire with a blanket.她用毯子把火闷灭了。Thankfully, it wasn't smothered in stringy cheese like some pizzas.幸好它不像有些比萨饼那样上面涂满了难嚼的奶酪。I don't want him to feel smothered.我不想让他感到窒息。He smothered his feelings as best he could.他尽量压制住自己的感情。He smothered the flame with a wet blanket.他用一条湿毯将火焰闷熄。There were a few smothered giggles from the girls sitting by the pool.女孩子们坐在池边闷笑。The victim was smothered to death.受害人被窒息致死。I think she broke off their engagement because she felt smothered by him.我想她解除婚约是因为她感觉他的爱快要让她窒息了。The babies had been smothered to death.这些婴儿是窒息死亡的。His resentment smothered and died away.他的怨气被强行压下而消失了。Emma smothered a laugh.埃玛忍住不笑。Randall made a noise that sounded suspiciously like smothered laughter.兰德尔发出一种声音,听起来像是被压住的笑声。




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