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词汇 smell
例句 The smell hit me as soon as I opened the door.我一打开门臭味就扑鼻而来。The smell of the cooked fish made her mouth water.做好的鱼那味道把她馋得直流口水。Humans can't smell as well as dogs.人的嗅觉不如狗灵敏。The adventurers snuffed at the sweet smell of danger.冒险家们寻求惊险活动的乐趣。The smell made him retch. 这种气味使他感到恶心。The smell of blood was thick and nauseating.血腥味浓重,令人恶心。I can smell something burning - are you sure you turned the oven off?我闻到焦味了,你肯定把烤箱关了吗?What is that smell?那是什么臭味?The smell of the sea mingled with the faint scent of the grass.海水的气味与淡淡的草味混杂在一起。Leo could smell the wine on her breath.利奥闻到她呼吸中有葡萄酒的味道。A lovely smell permeated the room.室内弥漫着宜人的香气。He could smell the bacon grease.他闻到一股腌肉的油脂味儿。There was a warm smell of drains.有一股强烈的阴沟臭。The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.受到攻击时臭鼬会放出一种难闻的气味。When we arrived in our village there was a terrible smell of burning.我们到达村子时闻到一股难闻的烧焦味。The smell was unpleasantly strong.这气味强烈得让人受不了。The smell of the fish disgusted me.鱼腥气使我作呕。I could smell dinner cooking.我能闻到烧菜做饭的味道。Police dogs have a very keen sense of smell and can scent even the slightest traces of drugs.警犬的嗅觉非常灵敏,即使是一点点毒品的气味也能嗅出来。Can you smell this milk and see if you think it's gone off?你能闻一闻牛奶看看是否变质了吗?Sharks can smell blood in the water.鲨鱼可以在水中嗅到血腥味。As soon as the door opened I caught the smell of incense.门一开,我就闻到了一股焚香的气味。These sneakers smell. 这双运动鞋有股臭味。She could smell the salty tang of the sea.她能闻到海水浓烈的咸味。She could easily recall the smell of the orange groves.她常常回忆起那个柑橘园的芳香。The smell was so bad that I could barely force myself to stay in the room.那气味太难闻了,我几乎无法强迫自己留在那房间里。The smell of chicken soup wafted up to my bedroom.鸡汤的香味飘进了我的卧室。The air was redolent with the smell of wood smoke.空气中弥漫着木头燃烧的烟味。He could smell something delicious cooking.他闻到了正在烧什么美味的东西。All the different perfumes had a deadening effect on her sense of smell.各种不同的香水味道让她的嗅觉变得麻木了。She wrinkled her nose at the bad smell.闻到臭气,她皱起了鼻子。Some patients develop aberrations of taste and smell after some surgical procedure.有些病人接受手术之后,味觉和嗅觉会发生异常变化。The smell really turned me up, I don't mind admitting.我不介意承认,那股气味熏得我想吐。The room filled with the acrid smell of tobacco.屋子里弥漫着刺鼻的烟草味。The food gave off a bad smell.食物已经发臭了。There's a really strong smell of bleach in the corridor.走廊里有一股极为刺鼻的漂白粉味。The dog lost his sense of smell.这只狗失去了嗅觉。Deer have a keen sense of smell.鹿的嗅觉很灵敏。The smell of cooking greeted his return home.他一进家门,饭香扑鼻而来。There are five senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.人有五种官能:视觉、嗅觉、听觉、味觉和触觉。




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