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词汇 small sum
例句 In his will, he had left all his children a small sum of money.他在遗嘱中给每个孩子留了一小笔钱。My uncle left me a small sum of money when he died.我叔叔去世时留给我一小笔钱。A small sum of money went missing from the office last night.昨晚办公室有一笔金额不大的钱不见了。His friend asked him to hazard a small sum in a business venture.他的朋友让他在一个经营项目上冒险投资一小部分钱。She left a small sum of money to her two granddaughters.她留下了一小笔钱给她的两个孙女。He used to hive away a small sum every month.过去他每个月都要存起一小笔钱。We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.我们寄上少量的钱,借此感谢您的鼎力相助。We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgement of your help.为感谢你的帮助我们寄上一小笔钱。She put aside a small sum every week to pay for her annual holiday.她每周都存一小笔钱,留着每年出去度假时用。




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