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词汇 small number
例句 A relatively small number of industrially advanced countries control the world economy.相对少数几个工业发达国家掌控着世界经济。A small number of people have complained about the noise.为数很少的几个人抱怨过这些噪声。A small number of firms have ceased trading.一小部分公司已经停止贸易。Embryonic development seems to be controlled principally by a very small number of master genes.胚胎发育似乎主要受制于少数主导基因。Hundreds of people begin the training programme, but only a small number complete it successfully.几百人参加了培训课程,但只有少数人能顺利学完。History is directed by a small number of great figures.历史是由少数伟大人物指引着方向的。The company will consider furloughing a small number of workers.公司将考虑让一小部分工人停薪休假。Thousands of men apply to join the Marines but only a small number are accepted.数以千计的人申请参加海军陆战队,但只有少数人被录用。Marcelo will be making his pitch to a small number of potential clients.马塞洛将向少数的潜在客户进行推销。Only a small number of tanks and paratroops have gone over to his side.只有少量坦克兵和伞兵投奔到他旗下。A small number of congregants had assembled for Midnight Mass.少数会众聚在一起,等待子夜弥撒。Only a small number of Kadare's books have been translated into English.卡达雷的书仅有一小部分译成了英文。At last week's Oscars, a small number of films carried off nearly all the prizes.上周的奥斯卡颁奖大会上,少数几部电影几乎包揽了所有的奖项。A small number of people were at the concert.音乐会上人不多。Despite the small number of applicants, they managed to find the right person for the job.虽然求职人数很少,他们还是找到了适合这个岗位的人。There remains a small number of patients for whom rehabilitation does work.仍然有一小部分病人康复治疗是见效的。As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.作为老师,她的筛选很严格,只接受一小部分特别有天赋的学生。A small number of additional jobs can make a crucial difference to economic conditions.少量的外快工作对经济状况的改变能起到关键作用。The company has a small number of college scholarships to offer to employees’ children.这家公司为员工的子女提供了几个名额的大学奖学金。The new system is being tested in a small number of schools.在少数几所学校里试行了这一新制度。It was a high-risk strategy to attack with such a small number of planes, but it was brilliantly successful.用这么少的飞机进行攻击是风险很大的行动计划,但却获得了极大的成功。Serious side effects were observed in a small number of patients. 药物对少数病人产生了严重的副作用。Only a small number of people still speak Gaelic.只有很少的人还使用盖尔语。Only a small number of people eventually turned up.最后只来了少数人。This has also led to a concentration of wealth in a small number of hands.这也导致了财富集中在少数人手里。We have a small number of rare books which are shut away.我们有少量珍藏起来的珍本书。Most of the people who come to the club are heterosexual, but we do get a small number of gay men.来这个俱乐部的人多数是异性恋,但确实也有一小部分男同性恋。




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