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词汇 slightly
例句 The walls are slightly out of true.墙壁稍微有点斜。Bake until light golden and crisp around the edges and slightly soft in the centre.烤至边缘浅黄松脆而中心稍软。She was sitting with her head tilted slightly back.她坐着,头略微往后仰。Our chef was a genial, slightly tubby man.我们的主厨是一个和蔼可亲、稍有些胖的男人。The legs of the chair are canted slightly to increase stability.椅子腿稍加倾斜以增强其稳定性。The mattress was hard, the blankets prickly and slightly damp.床垫很硬,毯子又扎又有点潮湿。These later paintings are slightly inferior in value.这些后期画作的价值略逊一筹。Serious poetry published in newspapers always seems slightly out of keeping.严肃的诗歌刊登在报纸上总有点不协调。His political views are slightly right of center. 他的政治观点是有一点保守。The floor pitched down slightly.地板有点向下倾斜。Mark's cheeks were slightly chubby.马克的脸蛋有点胖乎乎的。The diesel model is slightly more expensive.柴油车型稍贵些。The news was somewhat/slightly reassuring.这则消息让人放心了些/点儿。He bowed slightly before taking her bag.他微微欠身,然后接过了她的包。Today's slightly shorter race could tip the scales in his favour.今天赛程稍短,他会占优势。The lake itself lies only a few hundred yards off to your right and slightly downhill.那片湖就在你右侧几百码远稍微往下走一点的地方。The paintings were slightly off-kilter.这些画挂得歪七扭八的。The picture on the wall was slightly skewed.墙上的画稍微有点歪。Some of the notes were slightly off-key.有些音有点不准。He took the first two miles at a run before slowing down to a slightly more leisurely pace.最开始的两英里他是跑着的,后面就放缓步伐,稍稍放松了些。The rear part of the casing is slightly narrower than the front.套子的后部比前部稍窄。This is all slightly tongue-in-cheek, I'd like to make that clear…这一切都有些缺少诚意,我想清楚地指出这点。The business made out better than expected and profits were slightly up.企业经营情况好于预期,利润略有上升。This cream is slightly off.这奶油有点变质了。The price is slightly above yesterday's closing price.价格比昨天的收盘价稍高。His landlady appeared to be slightly off her rocker.看来他的女房东有点疯疯癫癫。The boat moved slightly, and he steadied himself on the handrail.船轻轻晃动,他抓住扶手站稳了身子。His voice grew slightly suspicious.他的声音里开始略带怀疑。Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart.身体站直,两脚叉开,略宽于肩。Isn't that picture slightly askew?那幅画是不是有点挂歪了?His political views are slightly left of center. 他的政治立场略微左倾。It may be necessary to thin the sauce slightly.也许有必要将酱汁稍微稀释一下。She planted her feet wide and bent her knees slightly.她双脚大开站稳,膝盖微屈。There was sufficient clearance between the car and the wall to open the door slightly.汽车和墙之间有足够的间隙可以略微打开车门。The varnish was slightly chipped.那光泽的表面被碰掉了一点儿。Customers like Salomon were able to borrow on terms only slightly worse than the banks' own.像萨洛蒙这样的客户能以略逊于银行间拆借的条件贷款。Mrs Newman was small and slightly plump, with a round face.纽曼夫人个子小小,身材微胖,脸颊圆圆。Dilute the juice slightly with water.用水稍微稀释一下果汁。Her eyes suddenly met his and she coloured slightly.她的目光突然和他的相遇,她微微有点儿脸红了。The information is slightly out-of-date, but it could still be of some use.这项资料有点过时,但仍有些用处。




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