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词汇 sleeping
例句 I don't mind sleeping on the sofa.我不介意睡沙发。They're not married but I think they're sleeping together.他们没有结婚,但我想他们睡在一起了。Our cat spends most of his time sleeping.我们的猫把大部分时间都用在睡觉上。The children enjoyed sleeping out in the open.孩子们喜欢在户外睡觉。Most doctors recommend sleeping on a firm mattress.大多数医生建议睡硬床垫。I'm over 60 now and only fit for gardening and sleeping in a chair.我已过花甲,只能侍弄侍弄花草,躺在椅子上睡会儿觉了。You see, doc, I haven't been sleeping well recently.你瞧,大夫,我最近一直睡不好觉。Do your brain waves change when you are sleeping?你睡着时脑电波有变化吗?Do you think they're sleeping together?你认为他们俩睡在一起吗?If she's sleeping, let her be.如果她在睡觉,就别惊动她。The captain was astern, pretending he was sleeping.船长在船尾,假装睡着了。They are sleeping in the carpenter's shop directly above.他们正在正上方的木匠铺子里睡觉。Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.乏力、没有食欲和失眠都是抑郁症的典型症状。Don't ask him again. It's better to let sleeping dogs lie.不要再问他了,最好别惹麻烦。She gave up her sleeping berth to a pregnant woman.她把卧舖让给了一位孕妇。The children were all sleeping soundly.孩子们都睡得正酣。Many men fantasize about sleeping with someone who is not their partner.许多男人都幻想和不是自己伴侣的某个女人同床共枕。She found out that her husband was sleeping with his secretary.她发现丈夫和他的秘书通奸。One moment she was sleeping soundly—the next she was wide awake.她前一刻还睡得深沉,下一刻就十分清醒了。Many patients complain of headaches and difficulty sleeping when they take this drug.许多服用了此药的病人诉说有头痛和睡眠困难。As time goes by, sleeping becomes less of a problem.随着时间的推移,睡眠逐渐不再成为问题。The children nuzzled up against their sleeping mother.孩子们依偎着熟睡的母亲。Her arm pillowed the sleeping child.她的手臂上枕着熟睡的孩子。It may seem counterintuitive, but we do burn calories when we are sleeping.人在睡眠时依然要燃烧卡路里,这好像有悖直觉,但的确如此。You can't work when you're sleeping off a hangover.当你睡觉以消除宿醉时,你是无法工作的。He had been hiding out and sleeping rough.他一直都东躲西藏、露宿街头。The movie has a fairly convoluted plot, involving who is sleeping with whom.电影情节错综复杂,性爱关系扑朔迷离。An increasing number of young people are sleeping rough in London.伦敦越来越多的年轻人露天睡觉。Try to keep to a regular timetable of waking and sleeping.要尽量遵循有规律的作息时间。Always try a sleeping bag for size before you buy it.买睡袋之前一定要试试大小是否合适。There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough.洛杉矶有数以千计像他这样的人,沿街乞讨,露宿街头。We rolled out our sleeping bags under the stars.我们在星空下把睡袋铺开。The baby is sleeping, so try not to raise your voice.婴儿在睡觉,所以尽量别大声说话。It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly for this kind of wakefulness.经常吃安眠药来对付这种失眠绝不是什么好办法。The crew will be sleeping in the hull and will have to lump it.船员将睡在船舱里,不乐意也没办法。There are homeless people sleeping on the streets of London in all weathers.不管什么天气,伦敦的街道上都有无家可归的人在露宿。Despite the hardness of his bed, he was soon sleeping soundly.虽然床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了。Many are sleeping in the open because they have no shelter.很多人因为没有栖身之所,只好露宿在外。Charlotte was sleeping and her mother didn't want to wake her.夏洛特在睡觉,她母亲不想叫醒她。They had been up all night and were sleeping it off.他们前一天整夜未眠,所以这时正在补觉。




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