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词汇 sleeper
例句 I just hope your dad isn't a light sleeper.我就希望你爸爸睡觉好一点。He may turn out to be the sleeper in this year's election.他可能会成为今年大选的黑马。This modest-seeming movie may be the sleeper of the year.这部看似平庸的影片可能会成为本年度的最佳影片。She's a very light sleeper. The slightest noise will wake her.她睡觉很轻。一点点声音都会吵醒她。I usually go up to London on the sleeper.我通常坐卧铺去伦敦。The football game was won by a sleeper, an unknown new player.足球比赛爆冷门,有一匹黑马赢球了,是一个名不见经传的新球员。I was never a sound sleeper. 我从来不是个睡眠酣畅的人。Our guests will use the sleeper sofa. 我们的客人们将睡沙发床。If you are a light sleeper, ask for a room that doesn't face the street.如果你是个容易被吵醒的人,就要一间不朝大街的房间。Her first baby was not a good sleeper.她的第一个孩子睡眠不好。I'm a very light sleeper and I can hardly get any sleep at all.我睡觉很轻,几乎就没睡着。That movie was the sleeper of the year: suddenly everyone had to see it.那部电影爆出冷门,成了今年的最佳影片。突然间,每一个人都不得不一睹为快。The movie was the summer's sleeper.那部电影是今夏爆出的冷门。Then came the sleeper. A barely known composer was named Minister of Culture.接着就爆出了冷门;一名鲜为人知的作曲家被任命为文化部长。Normally, she was a good sleeper, but that night she lay awake, tossing and turning.通常她睡得很沉,可那天晚上她躺在床上翻来覆去,怎么也睡不着。She was usually a light sleeper.她睡觉通常都很轻。I booked a first-class sleeper.我订了头等卧舖车票。I'm a light sleeper - the slightest noise wakes me.我睡觉很轻——最轻微的声响也会吵醒我。I'm travelling overnight so I've reserved a sleeper.我要坐一整晚的车,因此我订了一个卧铺。The police discovered a sleeper cell that had been operating in the city for years.警方发现了一个潜伏在城里活动多年的间谍组织。I'm a light sleeper - so I woke up as soon as I heard him come in.我睡得不沉,所以一听到他进来我就醒了。He usually goes up to London on the sleeper.他通常乘卧车去伦敦。He's a light sleeper and wakes up at the least noise.他睡觉很轻,稍有动静就会醒来。You won't wake him - he's such a heavy sleeper.你不会吵醒他——他睡觉很沉。The movie became the sleeper hit of the summer.那部影片爆冷成为今夏的高票房电影。




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