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词汇 sleep
例句 I hope to catch up on some much-needed sleep this weekend.这个周末,我想要好好补个觉。It does not necessarily follow that sleep loss would cause these symptoms.由此不一定得出失眠会引起这些症状的结论。I was going to sleep and at that very instant the telephone rang.我刚要入睡,就在那时电话铃响了。I wouldn't lose sleep over it if I were you.如果我是你,我才不会为此事失眠呢。These small animals sleep by day and hunt by night.这些小动物昼伏夜出猎食。One of the difficulties attendant on shift work is lack of sleep.轮班工作制带来的困难之一是睡眠不足。For heaven's sake, let's all get to sleep.看在上帝的份上,我们都睡觉吧。You always seemed so well-behaved that my fears were put to sleep.你看上去总是这么举止得体,我的担心也就打消了。You must be very tired. Try to sleep a little.你一定累坏了,努力睡一会儿吧。A good night's sleep will soon put you right.你好好睡一宿,很快就会恢复的。Lavender oil supposedly helps you sleep.据说薰衣草油有助于睡眠。She was jolted out of her sleep by the ringing of the telephone.她被电话铃声惊醒了。My mother said that you could sleep over on Saturday.我妈说你周六可以借宿。I was so hyped up, I couldn't sleep.我兴奋得睡不着。She thrashed around/about in her sleep.她睡觉时翻来覆去。He came downstairs, his hair still rumpled from sleep.他下了楼,睡得乱蓬蓬的头发还没来得及梳。Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。He was so excited he could hardly sleep.他兴奋得无法入睡。Older people commonly aspirate saliva when they sleep.年纪大的人通常在睡觉时会吸入唾液。I've driven there so many times, I could do it in my sleep.我开车到过那里这么多次,我闭上眼睛都可以开到那里。You look like you could stand some sleep. 你看起来需要去睡会儿。Give it a rest, will you? We're trying to get some sleep.你安静一下,好吗?我们想睡一会儿。We didn't have enough room to lie down, so we couldn't really sleep.我们没有足够的地方可以躺下来,所以也睡不着。The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠,翻个身又接着睡着了。Bella will sleep with anyone for a cheap thrill.贝拉为了寻找垂手可得的刺激,和谁上床都行。Thomas can sleep on the sofa, but I'm afraid it's not as comfortable as a bed.托马斯可以在沙发上睡觉,不过恐怕没有在床上舒服。You can always sleep on the floor tonight.再不行的话,今晚总还可以让你打地铺睡的。We both had a good sleep on the plane, so the jetlag wasn't too bad for either of us.在飞机上我们俩都好好地睡了一觉,所以时差反应不是太大。When they go on holiday, they usually sleep in a tent.他们外出度假时,通常睡在帐篷里。I had nine blissful hours of sleep.我无忧无虑地酣睡了九个小时。They gave me an injection to help me sleep.他们给我打了一针帮助我入睡。Stop your prattling and go to sleep!你们别闲扯了,睡觉去吧!I didn't sleep well last night and I'm not really on the ball today.我昨晚没有睡好,所以今天反应迟钝。Caffeine can disturb your sleep pattern.咖啡因会打乱你的睡眠模式。Side effects, including sleep disturbance and shaking, are common.包括睡眠障碍和颤抖在内的副作用是很常见的。He blew out the candle and went to sleep.他吹灭了蜡烛就睡觉了。People say that older people need less sleep.人们说年纪大的人需要的睡眠较少。The Greater Horseshoe bats hung in torpid winter sleep.马铁菊头蝠倒挂着冬眠。I must have dropped off to sleep.我肯定是睡着了。As she drifted into sleep, the doctor's face began to blur and fade.当她渐渐入睡时,医生的脸开始模糊,渐渐消失了。




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