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词汇 skiing
例句 He knew he was taking a big risk by going skiing.他知道他去滑雪是冒很大风险的。I love skiing.我爱好滑雪。She won a bronze in skiing.她在滑雪比赛中赢得了铜牌。Lesley had agreed to Jim going skiing in alternate years.莱斯莉已同意吉姆每隔一年去滑一次雪。He is a fan of extreme skiing/snowboarding.他是个极限滑雪/滑雪板运动迷。We're preparing for our skiing holiday.我们正在筹划去滑雪度假。His victory in the world championship capped a brilliant week's skiing.他在世界锦标赛上的胜利给一周精彩的滑雪比赛画上了圆满的句号。After a long day of skiing, I slept like a baby/log last night.滑了一天雪之后,我昨晚睡得很香。Popular water sports include surfing and water skiing.流行的水上运动包括冲浪和滑水。I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.我喜欢滑雪、滑冰之类的冬季运动。If you love skiing but shudder at the cost, take advantage of our superb family offer.如果你喜欢滑雪却对价格发憷,就选择我们超值的家庭优惠吧。His best friend was killed in a skiing accident.他最要好的一位朋友在一次滑雪事故中死亡。Snowboarding is a cross between surfing and skiing.单板滑雪是一种把冲浪和滑雪结合在一起的运动。Are you in the least interested in skiing?你对滑雪多少有点儿兴趣吗? Off-piste skiing is more fun than skiing on the crowded piste.在滑雪道外滑雪比在拥挤的滑雪道上滑雪有趣。Next time I go skiing, I'll wear warmer clothes.下一次去滑雪的时候,我要穿得暖和一点。The mountain regions have plenty of good skiing.这些山区有许多滑雪胜地。The biggest bugbear of the skiing business is a winter with no snow.滑雪行业最头痛的事就是冬天不下雪。Conditions are now favourable for skiing.现在的天气条件正适合滑雪。It was such bad luck - it was our first time skiing and Nicola broke her leg.运气真不好一我们第一次滑雪,妮古拉就摔断了腿。We were going to go skiing over Christmas but we never got it together.我们原打算圣诞节去滑雪,可是却总没有成行。We enjoy skiing in the wintertime.冬季我们喜欢滑雪。As they chatted, the idea of going skiing together gradually took form.他们聊天时,逐渐形成了一起去度假的想法。I tried skiing for the first time last winter.我去年冬天第一次尝试滑雪。This year we're going to Colorado on a five-day skiing trip.今年我们打算去科罗拉多进行五天的滑雪之旅。It was my sports teacher who first introduced me to skiing.滑雪是我的体育老师领我入门的。Despite the warm weather, we searched out some snow and went skiing.尽管天气很暖和,我们还是找到了雪地,就去滑雪了。His encouragement and interest inspired quite a few people to take up skiing.他的鼓励和兴趣使不少人喜欢上了滑雪。She fell awkwardly when she was skiing and twisted her ankle.滑雪时,她笨重地摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。Peter offered to teach them water-skiing.彼得主动提出教他们滑水。For summer skiing down under, there is no better place than New Zealand.就澳新地区而言,夏季滑雪的最佳去处是新西兰。I'd like to go skiing one Christmas.我想在某个圣诞节去滑雪。I like skiing and hiking. How about you? 我喜欢滑雪和徒步旅行。你呢?She broke a leg in a skiing accident.她在一次滑雪事故中摔断了一条腿。If you're a beginner, steer clear of resorts with reputations for difficult skiing.如果你是初学者,那就不要去以滑雪难度大闻名的度假胜地。The skiing instructor was a tall, sunburnt man.滑雪教练是一个高高个子晒得黑黑的男子。Keen skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.滑雪爱好者乐于利用暑期假日去滑雪。There's inevitably an element of risk attached to sports such as skiing.在诸如滑雪之类的运动中不可避免地存在着危险。He tried skiing and took to it immediately. 他尝试了滑雪,结果一下子就喜欢上了这项运动。Andrew videoed us skiing down the mountains.安德鲁拍摄了我们从山上滑雪下来的录像。




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