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词汇 sixteen
例句 Two is to four as eight is to sixteen.二比四就相当于八比十六。At sixteen, I resigned myself to the fact that I'd never be a dancer.十六岁的时候,我不得不接受这个事实 — 我永远也成不了舞蹈演员。I started working when I was sixteen.我十六岁就开始工作了。I've lived here for sixteen years.我在这里住了十六年了。There are sixteen ounces in one pound.一磅有十六盎司。She was sixteen, young and vibrant.她十六岁,年轻而充满活力。She'll be sixteen in January.她一月份就十六岁了。She was sixteen, no longer jailbait.她十六岁,不再是祸水妞了。At sixteen he could drink me under the table.他十六岁时酒量就胜过我了。You can bust a gut sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, but if your product is lousy, you've wasted your time.你可以玩命地工作,一天十六小时、一周七天,但是如果产品很糟,就是浪费时间。




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