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词汇 sit around
例句 I haven't got time to sit around contemplating the meaning of life.我没时间坐下来思忖人生的意义。We all used to sit around the kitchen table, smoking and chatting.以前我们都会围坐在厨房的餐桌旁边抽烟、聊天。Why should I do all the donkey work while you sit around doing nothing?为什么你在那里闲坐着什么也不干,而我却要干所有这些枯燥乏味的活儿?You can't sit around contemplating the meaning of life all day.你不能整天坐在那里思索生命的意义。They just sit around telling dirty jokes - it's very boring.他们就坐着讲一些黄色的笑话—非常无聊。Are we going to sit around all night, or shall we go out?我们就这么整晚闲坐着,还是出去玩?What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself.他万万不可宅在家里自艾自怜。He sits around eating junk food all day.他整天闲坐着,吃些垃圾食品。You can't sit around sulking all day.你不能整天坐着生闷气。In the evenings we'd sit around the campfire and sing songs.晚上我们就围坐在篝火旁唱歌。I sit around all day and eat junk food out of boredom.我整天坐着,闲极无聊就吃垃圾食品。You can't just sit around day after day drowning your sorrows in whiskey.你可不能日复一日地坐着靠威士忌来消除忧愁。I can't sit around all day - someone's got to bring home the bacon.我不能整天坐着无所事事——家里总得有个养家糊口的人。I do all the work, while all you do is sit around on your backside all day.什么活都是我干,而你整天无所事事。Eve isn't the type to sit around doing nothing.伊芙不是那种喜欢坐在那里无所事事的人。She just sits around watching television all day.她整天闲坐着看电视。Since Dad lost his job he just sits around the house all day.自从爸爸失业以来,他整日坐在家里,无所事事。On winter evenings we'd all sit around the fire.我们过去在冬天的晚上常常围坐在火炉旁。All he did that evening was sit around the flat.他那天晚上就在公寓里无所事事地坐着。He sits around and does nothing while I do all the work.他闲坐在那儿无所事事,而所有活儿都要我干。




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