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词汇 Sister
例句 Her name in religion is Sister Mary.她的道名是玛丽嬷嬷。Excuse me, Sister, could I have some water?对不起,护士长,能不能给我些水喝?Being a hospital Sister had its uses.在医院当护士有它的好处。Sister Morrison might take issue with me on that matter.在那件事情上莫里森修女可能与我意见相左。But Sister Mroslas liked him. Sometimes she laughed even as she punished him.但莫罗斯修女喜欢他,甚至惩罚他时,有时她还会笑。Sister Katherine joined the sisterhood 10 years ago.修女凯瑟琳十年前加入了修女会。Sister Middleton followed the coffee trolley.护士长米德尔顿跟在送咖啡的推车后面。She had to report her comings and goings to Sister Giuseppe.她不得不向朱塞佩修女汇报她的一举一动。I'm feeling a bit better today, Sister.我今天感觉好些了,护士长。My Sister's Life tells the story of the parallel lives of the two girls in the voices of both Maria and Karen.《我姐妹的一生》分别以玛丽亚和卡伦的口吻讲了两个女孩平行的人生故事。My leg is still hurting me, Sister.我的腿还疼,护士。Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep.弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。




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