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词汇 single
例句 Try as far as possible to limit your answers to a single sentence.尽可能地将答案控制在一句话之内。He took first place in the single sculls.他在单人划艇比赛中获得了第一名。The school decided to try an experiment in single-sex teaching.学校决定进行男女生分班教学的试验。She lined a single to left field. 她击出的平直球飞到了左外野,形成一次一垒安打。Every single employee turned up at the meeting, even people who usually stayed away.所有雇员一个个不落都参加了会议,甚至平常不去开会的人都去了。Her skin was smooth and white and without a single blemish.她皮肤光滑,洁白无瑕。Caring for five children single-handed left her no time for socializing.一个人照看五个孩子使她忙得没有时间社交。Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.许多理论都意在以单一原因解释生长。He didn't utter a single sound throughout the meeting.会上从头到尾他一言不发。Tom didn't make a single spelling mistake in his composition.汤姆在这篇作文里一个字也没拼错。The Middle East is the world's single most important source of oil.中东是世界上最为重要的一个产油地。This survey shows the percentage of single-parent households in each area.这次调查显示了每个地区单亲家庭的比例。It was a single short phrase being sung over and over again.那是一段被反复演唱的单独短乐句。They were effective politicians, ruthless and single-minded in their pursuit of political power.他们都是些非常现实的政治家,一心追逐政治权力,为达目的毫不留情。Sinks can be pressed from a single sheet of steel.水槽可以用一块钢板冲压成型。She is a single mother. 她是单身母亲。She was wearing a single piece of jewellery.她只戴了一件首饰。For your information I didn't have a single drink for the entire trip.告诉你,我在整个旅程中滴酒未进。I'd like a single room, please.我想要一个单人房间。As a single mother, Linda relies on state benefits which are nowhere near enough.身为一名单身母亲,琳达靠国家救济度日,根本就不够用。Sometimes they battled for hours over a single word or sentence.有时他们只是为了一个词或一个句子而争论数小时。Fifteen of the hundred women in the study had single mothers.参与研究的一百名女性中,有十五名来自单身母亲家庭。The disease is under the control of a single dominant gene.这种疾病受一个显性基因控制。The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.这一证据显示,单身父亲比单身母亲更有可能去工作。They followed her without uttering a single word of protest.他们跟随着她,没有说一句怨言。Would you reserve a single for me?请给我预订一间单人房好吗? No one turned up to claim on a single article.没有人前来认领任何一件物品。It might be possible for a single woman to be accepted as a foster parent.有可能会接受单身女子作为领养人。He gambled away his family estate on a single throw of the dice.他一把就输掉了家族地产。Pepys single-handedly invented the diary as a literary form.佩皮斯独创了日记体这种文学形式。Being a single mum is never easy.做单身妈妈绝非易事。The ball looped over the shortstop's head into left field for a single.球呈弧线飞过游击手的头顶到达左外野,形成一垒安打。The last few years have seen a change in attitudes to single parents.最近几年人们对单身父母的态度有所改变。He knocked his opponent down with a single blow.他仅用一拳就打倒了对手。He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.他正在努力使自己由单身汉转变为有责任心的丈夫。On this problem, you must be single-minded.处理这个难题,你必须一心一意。I paint the house every single year.我每年都把房子粉刷一遍。The band has yet to record a hit single.该乐队至今还没有录制出一支走红的单曲。Amoebae and bacteria are single-celled organisms.变形虫和细菌是单细胞生物。The English translation may have been condensed into a single more readable book.英译本可能被压缩成了更具可读性的单行本。




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