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词汇 beggar
例句 The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes.那乞丐讲了个关于他不幸身世的长长的故事。He's a sly old beggar if ever there was one.他确确实实是个老奸巨猾的家伙。If people think you're a beggar, they pretend not to see you.如果人们认为你是个乞丐,他们就会装着没有看到你。I want to be a giver not a beggar.我愿做赠予者,不愿做乞讨者。The policeman disguised himself as a beggar.那个警察伪装成乞丐。A beggar was lying dead in the snow.一个死了的乞丐躺在雪地里。The beggar boy lived by his wits.乞童靠机智维生。The journalist traveled the city disguised as a beggar.那个记者假扮成乞丐在城中游逛。The beggar asked us if we had any spare change. 这个乞丐向我们要几个零钱。He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry.他警告说解除版权限制会使这个行业一贫如洗。The waiter winkled the beggar out of the restaurant.侍者把乞丐赶出饭店。The beggar cadged dimes from passers-by.那个乞丐向过往行人讨钱。You've won again, you lucky beggar.你又赢了,你这个幸运的家伙!The beggar cadged dimes from passers-by.乞丐向过路人讨钱。She gave the beggar some money out of charity.她出于慈善给乞丐一些钱。Some beggar children cornered us for coin.一些小叫化硬缠着我们讨钱。The statistics beggar belief.统计数据让人难以置信。The beggar was dressed in rags.这个乞丐穿著破衣烂衫。A beggar approached me with some hard-luck story about an accident.一个乞丐走到我跟前说自己遇到了事故的不幸遭遇。I heard you won the contest! You lucky beggar!我听说你赢了比赛!你这个幸运的家伙!A beggar accosted him for money.一个乞丐向他开口要钱。The beggar resorted to the restaurant for some soup.这个乞丐常去该饭店要汤喝。The poor beggar looked silly trying to portray the role of Hamlet.那可怜虫因为拼命想把哈姆雷特的角色演好而大出洋相。The beam from a flashlight showed a beggar sleeping at his doorstep.手电筒的光照出一个乞丐睡在他家门口。He's a sly old beggar.他是一个狡猾的老乞丐。She turned her head to avoid making eye contact with the beggar.她转过头去免得和那乞丐有目光接触。




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