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词汇 simple
例句 The waiter brought the first course, a simple leek and potato soup.侍者送上了第一道菜,是普通的韭葱马铃薯汤。It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.这道菜很容易做,主料是米饭和蔬菜。The essay exalts the simple beauty of the country.这篇散文高度赞扬了乡村的淳朴之美。Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.遗憾的是,过于简单的情节使得这部电影差强人意。Each diagram is followed by a simple explanation.每幅图后都附有简要的说明。They soon sank to simple name-calling.他们很快就弄到用脏话互相对骂的地步。Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand.罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的故事。Don't worry-it's all very simple.不要担心,这非常容易。The meal was pleasingly simple.这顿饭简单可口。There is no simple or definitive answer as to why he has become so reserved.他为什么变得如此沉默寡言,没有什么简单或确定的答案。A simple blood test is used to measure the level of alcohol in the blood.采用简单的血液测试来测定血液里的酒精含量。They are murderers pure and simple.他们是不折不扣的谋杀犯。I was a simple country boy from Norfolk.我当时是一个来自诺福克的朴实的乡下男孩。This painting says so much in such a simple way.这幅画以这样简单的方式,表达出如此丰富的内容。Their rooms were simple, with some select pieces of elegant furniture.他们的房间布置得很简洁,配的几件家具是精心挑选的,很雅致。We explain in simple terms what the treatment involves.我们用简单的语言来解释治疗的内容。Speak slowly and use simple words so that everyone understands.慢慢地说,使用简单的词语,让大家都能听明白。There will be simple tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.会有对加、减、乘、除运算的简单测试。The song has a simple melody and beautiful lyrics.这首歌旋律质朴,歌词优美。I like simple food better than fancy dishes.比起精美的菜肴,我更喜欢平常的食物。A simple bouquet of flowers can be a nice way to say thanks.普通的一束花就是表达谢意的极佳方式。What he said is a lie, plain and simple.他所说的是谎话,一清二楚。The simple fact is that he did not study for the exam.明摆着的事实就是,他没有为考试做复习。Follow our simple step-by-step instructions.按照我们简单的说明,一步一步来。The questions Douglas raises about contemporary society have no simple answers.道格拉斯就当代社会提出的问题不是三言两语就能回答的。She mounts her work in simple black frames.她把她的作品镶到一个简易的黑色框中。It's not so simple. They'll have to let the draft board know, and then where will we be?事情不是那么简单的。他们必须让征兵局了解情况,那接下来我们又会怎么样呢?My advice is to keep it simple – just buy a nice plain dress.我的建议是,别搞太复杂了,买一件朴素又大方的衣服就行。We can solve this problem by the simple expedient of taking out another loan.我们可通过申请另一笔贷款这一简单的应急办法来解决这个问题。Building even a simple bookcase takes a certain amount of skill. 即便做一个简单的书柜也需要一定技巧。Anthony scored with a simple side-foot.安东尼用脚侧踢了下球,球便进了。A guide for hospital staff will be published shortly, covering everything from simple hygiene to security regulations.一本供医务人员使用的手册即将出版,书中介绍了从简单的卫生保健到安全规章等各种事项。When creating your design, keep it simple.设计时要保持简洁。I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计,我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。It's a seductively simple concept.这是一个很有吸引力的简单概念。It's very simple - you put the paper in and push a button, and the computer does the rest for you.这很简单—把纸放进去,按下按钮,余下的事就由电脑来做了。The author is often praised for her simple, economical writing style. 那名作者常因其质朴简练的文风受到称赞。The solution is simple/obvious: you need to spend less money.解决办法很简单/明显:你得少花钱。The photographs are displayed on simple white mounts.这些照片被装在简单的白色相框中。I throw a lot of pool parties here for the simple reason that there's more pool space than I have at my own house.我在这儿举办了多场泳池派对,完全是因为这里泳池的空间比我家里的大。




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