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词汇 similar
例句 The scene in the picture was eerily similar to what I had seen in my dream.怪异的是,照片里的情景和我的梦境很相似。He and his wife come from similar social backgrounds. 他和妻子有着相似的社会背景。The two sisters are so similar that it's almost impossible to tell one from the other.这两姐妹长得实在太像了,简直不太可能把她们区分开。She had a similar experience, so she understands what I'm going through.她有过相似的经历,所以很同情我现在的遭遇。What if Spain reacts to the similar economic pressures which are appearing over there?西班牙要是对类似于那里正在出现的经济压力做出反应该怎么办?One company went bankrupt, and a similar fate befell the other.一家公司破产,另一家也遭到了类似的命运。This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up.这就跟等待一辆永远等不到的公共汽车差不多。When you look at these two carpets, you can see that the patterns are very similar.看一下这两块地毯,你就能发现它们的图案很相似。A similar submarine is used by several foreign navies.一些外国海军也使用类似的潜艇。They arrived at similar forecasts.他们作出类似的预测。We got remarkably/strikingly similar results.我们获得的结果特别/惊人地相似。You two look very/quite similar to each other.你们两个非常/颇为相像。They look so similar it's often difficult to distinguish one from the other.它们看上去这么相似,常常很难区分开来。They have uncannily similar voices.他们的声音像得令人难以置信。Some parts nowadays are made of plastic or similar stuff.现在有些零件是由塑胶或类似的材料制造的。They are very similar in appearance. 他们长得很像。The fruits are similar in shape and size to plums.那种水果的形状和大小跟李子差不多。Our cats are similar in size/color/appearance.我们的猫大小/颜色/外表相似。Each chapter is structured in a similar fashion.每一章的结构都很相似。They all commit similar mistakes.他们都犯相似的错误。Place them in a jam jar, porcelain bowl, or other similar container.将它们装入果酱罐、瓷碗或其他类似容器中。A similar system for providing legal services would require yet another huge hike in taxes.成立一个类似的法律服务体系需要再次大幅增税。It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that a similar situation could arise again.再次出现类似的情况并非没有可能。By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems.幸运的是,罗伯特碰巧遇到了理查德和朱莉娅,发现原来他们也碰到了类似的问题。What sets it apart from hundreds of similar small French towns is the huge factory.与其他数百个法国小镇不同的是它拥有巨大的工厂。If this case is successful it could open the floodgates for thousands of similar claims.如果本案胜诉,就有可能为成千上万类似的索赔打开闸门。The parent and daughter may be chemically similar in this respect.在这方面,该母体和子体的化学性质可能相似。It sounds funnily similar to the first one.这听起来跟第一个不寻常地相似。Dark colours will not show up against a similar background.在相似的背景下,暗色不醒目。Their lives had been oddly similar.他们的生活出奇地相似。Portugal is expected to receive a similar censure.预计葡萄牙会受到类似的谴责。Her latest novel seems at first sight to be a reworking of similar themes.她最新的那部小说乍一看像是以主题类似的作品改编成的。The two cars are very similar in size and design.这两辆汽车大小和设计都非常相似。Their experiences are superficially similar.他们的经历表面上看很相似。If we can at any time render you a similar service, we shall be glad to do so.无论什么时候能帮你办类似这样的事,我们将乐于效劳。The value of the house is low relative to similar houses in the area.相比本地区的类似房屋,这栋房子的价格并不高。A similar project for the Stirling area is almost complete.斯特灵地区一个类似的项目即将竣工。We come from similar backgrounds, so we speak the same language.我们的出身相似,所以有共同语言。Other married couples are in a similar predicament.其他夫妻也面临相似的困境。The symptoms of hepatitis are similar no matter which virus is involved.肝炎不管由哪种病毒所引起,其症状都大同小异。




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