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The space shuttle has safely reentered the Earth's atmosphere.航天飞机已安全返回地球大气层。The shuttle landed without a hitch at Edwards Air Force Base.航天飞机在爱德华兹空军基地顺利着陆。A shuttle bus runs frequently between the Inn and the Country Club.一辆区间公交车频繁地往返于这家旅馆和那个乡村俱乐部。The space shuttle is being used more and more for commercial purposes.航天飞机被越来越多地用于商业目的。A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town.有免费班车往返于酒店和市区。Thousands of spectators watched as the space shuttle lifted off.航天飞机发射升空时,成千上万的观众在场观看。The space shuttle needs to be controlled precisely during reentry.航天飞机返航时需要精确控制。The space shuttle crew conducted experiments on plants and cells in a special lab.航天飞机上的工作人员在一个特殊的实验室里对植物和细胞进行实验。A shuttle service operates between the hotel and the beach.在宾馆和海滩之间有往返班车。The bus company runs a regular airport shuttle service.公交公司提供定期的机场班车服务。They would ride a shuttle into space.他们将乘坐航天飞机进入太空。The shuttle will re-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow.航天飞机明天将返回地球大气层。He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。NASA has stopped the countdown for the space shuttle mission because of technical problems.由于技术问题,美国国家航空航天局已经停止了发射航天飞机的倒计时准备。The shuttle's launch has a window of only two days. 航天飞机的合适发射时机只有两天。NASA has not yet named the date for the shuttle launch.美国国家航空航天局尚未确定航天飞机的发射日期。More than 200 improvements, many of them major, were made in the design and fabrication of the shuttle.在航天飞机的设计及制造过程中,作了两百多项改进,其中很多是大的改动。The shuttle was scheduled to dock with the space station.航天飞机计划与太空站对接。The space shuttle has completed its second orbit.航天飞机已沿轨道绕了第二圈。The shuttle itself will glide back into the earth's atmosphere.航天飞机本身将滑回地球的大气层。NASA has not yet set the date for the shuttle launch.美国国家航空和航天局尚未敲定此次航天飞机的发射日期。The space shuttle launch was on television stations from coast to coast. 全国电视台都播出了航天飞机的发射场景。During the launch, two rockets boost the shuttle before separating and falling back into the sea.发射过程中,由两枚火箭推进航天飞机,然后分离,落进大海。The space shuttle orbited a communications satellite.太空梭将一颗通讯卫星送入轨道。We'll fly up on the shuttle.我们要乘班机过去。The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle.美国航天飞机的发射已于今天晚些时候进入倒计数。I took the shuttle from Washington to New York.我搭乘从华盛顿飞往纽约的班机。The countdown for the shuttle launch has already begun.航天飞机的发射已经开始倒计时了。A shuttle bus makes the run from the station to the airport.穿梭巴士定时往返于车站和机场之间。A shuttle takes people from the parking lot to the airport.穿梭运输车将人们从停车场送到机场。The shuttle service plies between the airport and the city centre.班车往返于机场和市中心之间。Thousand of spectators gathered to watch the liftoff of the space shuttle.成千上万的观众聚集在一起观看航天飞机发射升空。A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle.氢气泄漏迫使美国国家航空航天局停止了航天飞机的发射。A shuttle service runs between the airport and the town centre.飞机场和市中心有班车往返。The satellite was stowed in the shuttle's cargo bay for return to Earth.这颗卫星被收藏在航天飞机的货舱以返回地球。My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle.我的日子过得像飞梭。The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today. “亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机今天安全返回地球。UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides.联合国调解员在双方之间进行穿梭外交。She flew on a shuttle mission last year.去年她执行了一项航天飞行任务。The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite.太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道。 |