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词汇 be for
例句 The book doesn't pretend to be for beginners.这本书没说是给入门者用的。She lay in bed for a time, listening to the silence.她在床上躺了一会儿,倾听寂静中的声响。You can go back to bed for a while if you want.要是你想睡的话,可以回床上再睡一会儿。After all, few of them would get out of bed for less than a grand a week.要知道,每周要是赚不到一千块,他们几乎没人愿意从床上爬起来。I got flu last winter and was in bed for three weeks.去年冬天我得了流感,卧床三个星期。She was confined to bed for a week with the flu.她因患流感卧床一周。The most preferable arrangement would be for us to pay very low interest over a long period of time.最合我们心意的安排是在长时期里支付非常低的利息。I didn't go to bed for days but caught catnaps at my desk.我几天没上床,只抽空靠在桌上打个盹。He gave me a bed for a couple of nights but I felt I was there on sufferance.他让我住上几个晚上,但我感觉自己在那儿并不受欢迎。You'll be for it if she catches you.如果她逮到你,你会受到惩罚。Worm casts look unsightly and provide a seed bed for weeds.蚯蚓粪不雅观,但为杂草提供生长的苗床。The company is using the library as a test bed for its new software.公司正利用图书馆作为其新软件的试验基地。If father gets to know what you are doing, you'll be for it.要是父亲知道你在干这种事,你就有苦头吃了。Paternity leave is unlikely to be for longer than two weeks.父亲亲子假不太可能超过两周。She thought marriage should be for life.她认为婚姻是终身的事。What justification can there be for paying women lower wages?给妇女付较低的工资,这有什么理由?I'm off to bed for some much-needed sleep.我上床去了,急需补些觉。She bought the bed for a song at an auction.她在一次拍卖会上以非常便宜的价格买下了这张床。She had lain in bed for so long that her shoulder blades had become ulcerated.她长期卧床,肩胛骨都溃烂了。Royal taxation usually had to be for the defence of the realm.王室的税收通常要用于国防。He bought a new car but it turned out to be for the worse.他买了一辆新汽车,但结果比原来的还差。That happy day will be for ever embedded in my memory.那个幸福的日子将永远留在我的记忆中。The best solution would be for them to separate.最好的解决方法是他们分开。A mysterious illness confined him to bed for months.他因一种说不清、道不明的怪病卧床好几个月。If we lose this match, it won't be for want of trying.要是我们输了这场比赛,并不是因为我们不努力。He was so depressed, he took to his bed for a week.他意志十分消沉,在床上躺了一个星期。If you're a busy person, looking to meet several potential mates at the same event, speed dating could be for you.如果你是个忙人,想在同一场合和几位可能成为自己伴侣的人见面,那么快速交友可能就适合你。The more direct and concise your question is, the easier it will be for everyone to understand it.你的问题越直接和简明,大家就越容易理解。I tried to like her because it would be for the best.我尽力去喜欢她,因为那样会最好。Don't worry about a bed for me, I can kip down on the floor.别担心我没有睡觉的床,我可以在地板上睡。A mysterious illness confined him to bed for over a month.他得了一种神秘的怪病,卧床有一个多月。She felt obliged to offer him a bed for the night.她感觉不得不让他留宿一晚。Marriage ought to be for keeps.婚姻应当是持久的。The best-case scenario would be for us to finish the work by tomorrow.对我们来说最好的情况就是在明天前完成工作。The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.医生嘱咐他要继续卧床几天。He poked around under the bed for his pen.他在床底下找钢笔。Ensure that whatever you gain now will be for keeps.确保你现在所获得的一切永远不会失去。Microblogs, for example on Twitter, can be for anything from "what I'm doing now" to coverage of serious political events.以推特为例,微博客可以用来说“我现在在干什么”,也可以覆盖严肃的政治事件。We fitted up a bed for the night.我们临时搭一张床过夜。If a new leader emerged, it would then be for the Queen to invite him to form a government.如果新首脑产生了,女王就会邀请他组建政府。




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